
slaaf / News: Recent posts

Slaaf2-win32 fix released

After a lot of inactivity, I wanted to update one thing about the win32 configurator. The password fields used to show the password on the screen. They are now replaced with the hidden characters that are common in other Windows applications. It is released as slaaf 0.11, only as a Win32 package, since it doesn't make sense to release that fix for other platforms, they can't run the win32 anyway :).... read more

Posted by Sjoerd Scheffer 2011-03-30

Slaaf2 released

Slaaf2 0.1 has been released! It's been a while since some activity around this project, but the bot is stable enough to have an early release. The bot is pretty bald, but it's much cleaner for developers to make their own modules for it. There will be a win32 release in the future with a GUI (since Windows users in general don't like CLIs) that configures the bot and launches it afterwards. Since I'm not really good at Tk, I might just make that using AutoIt or something.

Posted by Sjoerd Scheffer 2010-07-22

libslaaf bug

I've found a bug in libslaaf which caused an application using it to crash when using the irc.mode () function. This is fixed now. If you need the fixed version you should checkout libslaaf from the SVN repository (under trunk). The win32 build in there is also fixed. The next file release will also have it, but for now, use the svn build.

Posted by Sjoerd Scheffer 2010-03-06

SVN repo

The svn repository has been cleaned up. It now contains trunk, branches and tags folders. It has a little different structure than the "standard", hate it or love it.

Posted by Sjoerd Scheffer 2010-03-03

slaaf's last release

Slaaf 3.6 will be the last supported release. Slaaf will still be available, but I won't commit anything new or any bugfixes anymore. I'm rewriting the bot which I call slaaf2. I'm doing that because slaaf 3.6 isn't as modular as I wanted it to be. Slaaf2, uppon release, will be officially supported. You can checkout the subversion repository for some early code (which most likely won't do anything). I'll post an announcement here when I finish committing a working revision.

Posted by Sjoerd Scheffer 2010-02-24