
Skyeye v1.21 is released.

We are pleased to announce the release of skyeye 1.21 version. And
anthonylee do a lot of efforts for testing and development of this
release.The release package and its signature file are able to be
download at
the download section of

Several main improvement compare to the last version as the following:
1. Blackfin simulation is improved. Now you can run R0504 of blackfin
uClinux on SkyEye.But not very stable.
2. BeOS is supported.You can run SkyEye on BeOS.
3. Network simulation on MingW and Cygwin is finished.
4. a "-l" option is added for run un-modified linux kernel on arm platform.
5. a uart simulation framework is finished.

More detaileded information can be found in ChangeLog by visit

The release package is tested on the following platforms by skyeye
testsuite-2.2 package.
* MinGW
* CygWin
* BeOS R5.0.3
* BeOS Exp-Dano R5.10
* Debian GNU/Linux Sarge R3.10
* Suse 10.2

Bug report is at
Testsuite-2.2 package of SkyEye will be released soon...

Enjoy it!

Posted by Wang Yonghao 2007-02-06

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