
SiteZilla / Blog: Recent posts

Git repository for v0.02

I've setup a GitHub account for SiteZilla. You can find it here -

If you would like to help with the project please feel free to to so on GitHub. I've included instructions in the new README file on GitHub. I plan to only have release tarballs available here that are ready for installation.

Posted by ScorpKing 2012-02-07

SiteZilla Website Builder v0.01 Released

I've had some time to put a archive together so the first version of SiteZilla is now available. Any feedback will be welcomed.

Posted by ScorpKing 2012-02-02

Sorting through code

I've decided to release the website builder (SiteZilla) I've created as open source. At the moment I'm sorting through code, removing junk and getting everything in order to release. So far SiteZilla works and it comes with a complete build-in help system. You can only create static HTML websites with it at the moment but I do plan to add more website types in the future. I hope other developers will join me and assist with adding features to it. If you don't know PHP you can still help by converting open source templates to work in SiteZilla (documentation will be added to the wiki upon release). For an idea how it works please take a look at the screenshots.

Posted by ScorpKing 2012-01-31