
Sitellite CMS: 5 Beta now available!

Sitellite is an advanced web based Content Management System (CMS) and PHP framework which also utilizes Apache and MySQL technology to operate. The latest Sitellite CMS project downloads are always available at

The first feature-complete release of Sitellite 5 is now ready for download and testing. Labelled 4.3.2-beta, this release features huge improvements over prior releases, described in more detail and available for download here:

We're looking to test this release against a wider range of users in order to flesh out any remaining bugs. Download it today and help make Sitellite 5 the strongest release it can be. In the meantime, we're also working on new documentation and a new website as well. If you'd like to join in and help out with anything (bug reporting, bug fixing, documentation, website, support, suggestions, anything) come join us on the Sitellite community forum here:

Posted by John Luxford 2008-03-17

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