
#50 missing files/directory during make install



Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to or in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/xor.xml
at line 90
Total files without example: 26
Total generated html files: 74
test -z "/usr/share/scilab//contrib/sip-0.5.2-git/jar" || /bin/mkdir -p "/usr/share/scilab//contrib/sip-0.5.2-git/jar"
/usr/bin/install -c -m 644 ./../jar/scilab_en_US_help.jar '/usr/share/scilab//contrib/sip-0.5.2-git/jar'
/usr/bin/install: Aufruf von stat für „./../jar/scilab_en_US_help.jar“ nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
make[2]: *** [install-helpDATA] Fehler 1
make[2]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help'
make[1]: *** [install-am] Fehler 2
make[1]: Verlasse Verzeichnis '/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help'
make: *** [install-recursive] Fehler 1

" Aufruf von stat für „./../jar/scilab_en_US_help.jar“ nicht möglich: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden" means that a call of stat for that dir is not possible because it doesnt exist. I used the git repo under Ubuntu 11.04 with scilab installed by the packet manager.

Could you please help me with this?
Thanks in advance


  • Ricardo Fabbri

    Ricardo Fabbri - 2011-08-18


    that is strange. I have done exactly the same and it works: my system is Ubuntu 11.04 and I have tried installing SIP with the Scilab 5.3 that comes with the package manager.

    Please change directory into 'help' inside the sip source directory.

    Type make

    then paste the output here. There must have been an error! Or else some permission issue.

    Thanks for trying SIP!

  • Ricardo Fabbri

    Ricardo Fabbri - 2011-08-23


  • Ricardo Fabbri

    Ricardo Fabbri - 2011-08-23
    • assigned_to: nobody --> ricardofabbri
  • doomp

    doomp - 2011-08-23

    Thanks for that quick response. Here is the "make" output:

    scilab -nw -nb -f buildhelp.sce

    (process:2557): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
    Using the fallback 'C' locale.

    SIVP - Scilab Image and Video Processing Toolbox
    Load macros
    Load gateways
    Load help
    Load demos

    Building the master document:

    Building the manual file [javaHelp] in /home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/.
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to qr in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/KRC_from_P.xml
    at line 84
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to fftshift in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/fftderiv.xml
    at line 232
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to fft in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/gsm.xml
    at line 195
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to fft in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/gsm2d.xml
    at line 104
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to Matplot in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/imshow.xml
    at line 183
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to xgetmouse in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/percol.xml
    at line 89
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to xclick in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/percol.xml
    at line 93
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to locate in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/percol.xml
    at line 97
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to colormap in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/rgbplot.xml
    at line 70
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to colormap in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/sip_colormap.xml
    at line 175
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to fft in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/sip_fftshift.xml
    at line 66
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to qr in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/sip_rq.xml
    at line 54
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to getenv in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/sip_setenv.xml
    at line 74
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to xgetmouse in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/xgetpixel.xml
    at line 70
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to xclick in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/xgetpixel.xml
    at line 71
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to locate in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/xgetpixel.xml
    at line 72
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to and in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/xor.xml
    at line 86
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to or in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/xor.xml
    at line 90
    Total files without example: 26
    Total generated html files: 74
    buildDoc: Error building search index: JavaHelpSearch/TMAP (Keine Berechtigung)
    !--error 10000
    xmltoformat: /home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US//scilab_de_DE_help/scilab_de_DE_help.jar has not been generated.
    at line 736 of function xmltoformat called by :
    at line 13 of function xmltojar called by :
    at line 48 of function tbx_build_help called by :
    tbx_build_help("SIP - Scilab Image Processing Toolbox", help_lang_dir);
    at line 2 of exec file called by :

    at line 13 of function tbx_builder called by :
    at line 49 of function tbx_builder_help_lang called by :
    tbx_builder_help_lang("en_US", help_dir);
    at line 2 of exec file called by :


    It stops in some kind of console mode. When I am using "sudo make" it'll run through:
    sudo make
    [sudo] password for wompy:
    scilab -nw -nb -f buildhelp.sce

    (process:2510): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.
    Using the fallback 'C' locale.

    SIVP - Scilab Image and Video Processing Toolbox
    Load macros
    Load gateways
    Load help
    Load demos

    Building the master document:

    Building the manual file [javaHelp] in /home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/.
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to qr in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/KRC_from_P.xml
    at line 84
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to fftshift in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/fftderiv.xml
    at line 232
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to fft in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/gsm.xml
    at line 195
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to fft in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/gsm2d.xml
    at line 104
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to Matplot in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/imshow.xml
    at line 183
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to xgetmouse in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/percol.xml
    at line 89
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to xclick in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/percol.xml
    at line 93
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to locate in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/percol.xml
    at line 97
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to colormap in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/rgbplot.xml
    at line 70
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to colormap in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/sip_colormap.xml
    at line 175
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to fft in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/sip_fftshift.xml
    at line 66
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to qr in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/sip_rq.xml
    at line 54
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to getenv in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/sip_setenv.xml
    at line 74
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to xgetmouse in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/xgetpixel.xml
    at line 70
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to xclick in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/xgetpixel.xml
    at line 71
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to locate in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/xgetpixel.xml
    at line 72
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to and in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/xor.xml
    at line 86
    Warning (should be fixed): invalid internal link to or in file:/home/wompy/git/scilab_modules/siptoolbox/help/en_US/xor.xml
    at line 90
    Total files without example: 26
    Total generated html files: 74

    "Keine Berechtigung" means "no permission".

    Thanks again!

  • Ricardo Fabbri

    Ricardo Fabbri - 2011-08-23


    another person is having it as well in Ubuntu 11.04. The strange thing is that both of you have non-english localization.
    Not sure if this is a coincidence, but it might be a problem with that, since SIP forces the documentation to be en_US.

    Do you have the package scilab-doc installed? check it out in synaptic, for instance. Do you also have the package scilab-data installed? Would you mind listing your scilab packages?


    I will keep investigating this. I am now looking at scilab/helptools/sci_gateway/cpp/sci_buildDocv2.cpp
    which seems to be what originated the first error message. I will keep you posted.

  • Ricardo Fabbri

    Ricardo Fabbri - 2011-08-23
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Ricardo Fabbri

    Ricardo Fabbri - 2011-08-23

    Continuing the last comment.

    In my computer I have the following packages installed for Scilab:


  • Ricardo Fabbri

    Ricardo Fabbri - 2011-08-23

    Haven't yet solved the problem, but I guess I was right about the inconsistency between en_US and the other locales. From the de_DE and pt_BR installations, SIP forces a en_US doc build but the error messages are inconsistent:



    It should have been en_US throughout!

  • Ricardo Fabbri

    Ricardo Fabbri - 2011-08-24

    This bug was fixed in the Git version.
    To download it follow the steps in:

    Thanks for reporting!!

  • Ricardo Fabbri

    Ricardo Fabbri - 2011-08-24

    Please double-check that it worked. Make sure that the version of SIP that shows up when you load it in Scilab is >= 0.5.5-git

  • Ricardo Fabbri

    Ricardo Fabbri - 2011-08-24
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • Ricardo Fabbri

    Ricardo Fabbri - 2011-08-24

    confirmed to be fixed by the pt_BR person

  • Ricardo Fabbri

    Ricardo Fabbri - 2011-08-24
    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed

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