
Multiple UA Registrations

  • John Curran

    John Curran - 2012-08-28

    First let me ask is there a limit as to the number of User Agents that can register through Siproxd?

    here is the current setup we have

    multiple ua's on private network ===> Siproxd ====> Public Facing PBX
    192.168.x.x                              192.168.6.x/7x.x.x.x                  6x.x.x.x

    we can register 130 UA's with no issues and after that we will get errors on the phone "failed no response"
    this is a dedicated system a dual quad core 2.2GHz with 16gb of ram. There is no real load on the system and the firewall has the proper ports open.

  • Thomas Ries

    Thomas Ries - 2012-08-28


    The maximum number of clients is a compile time constant, by default 128.
    If the registration table is full you should be observing ERROR entries in the logfile "URLMAP is full - registration failed".

    To increase this limit, edit the file siproxd.h and modify the following constants:

    #define URLMAP_SIZE     128     /* number of URL mapping table entries, this limits the number of clients!   */


    #define RTPPROXY_SIZE   256     /* number of rtp proxy entries, this limits the number of concurrent calls!     */

    A normal voice call (bidirectional audio) occupies 2 records in the RTP proxy table (RTPPROXY_SIZE). The sizing of the RTP proxy table initially was made such that each registered client may have one active call session at the same time  (which is propably far from reality).

    You may just increase these values and then rebuild siproxd.



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