
#225 HTTP re-authentication with NTLM fails

Andre Goree

Arch Linux
sw vers:
agoree@agoree-arch ~ % yaourt -Qs pidgin
extra/libpurple 2.10.7-4
IM library extracted from Pidgin
extra/pidgin 2.10.7-4
Multi-protocol instant messaging client
local/pidgin-sipe 1.17.2-1
An Open Implementation of SIP/Simple protocol for Live Communications Server 2003/2005/2007 - Pidgin plugin

I'm having an issue where my Lync buddy list shows all users offline, regardless of whether or not they're online. I can still message the "offline" users if I know they're online, and they do report seeing me online in their list.

I read the FAQ's, specifically this one which seems to apply, but I am indeed running the latest version of pidgin-sipe unless I'm mistaken.

I've attached 2 debug logs, which I got after removing ~/.purple before running so that I'd have a clean slate. Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide. Let me know if you need more info and I'll provide it quickly.

2 Attachments


Release Notes: 2013/12/pidgin-sipe-release-1173


  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2013-12-05
    • summary: Lync users showing offline --> HTTP re-authentication with NTLM fails
    • assigned_to: Stefan Becker
    • Category: Pidgin --> Protocol/Other
  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2013-12-05

    Thanks for the logs. In your installation NTLM requests re-authentication for every HTTP transaction. The built-in NTLM implementation never supported that, but with the old HTTP stack implementation it didn't matter. I'll have to fix this.

  • Andre Goree

    Andre Goree - 2013-12-05

    Thank you Stefan for the hasty reply and efforts on fixing this. :)

  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2013-12-05

    This should be fixed by git commit 3f3dcfc. Please verify and update this ticket. Thank you.

  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2013-12-10

    Ping. Can you please verify that this works now for you?

  • Andre Goree

    Andre Goree - 2013-12-10

    Sorry for the delay, I'll confirm this tomorrow when I get to the PC in question.

  • Alex Kurilo

    Alex Kurilo - 2013-12-10

    I'm experiencing the same issue (401 as a response to request with NTLM Negotiate) while requesting https://LYNCSERVER/CertProv/CertProvisioningService.svc
    Is this fix supposed to help me as well? :)

    Log is attached.

    I cloned repo, built the specified commit, but it didn't help.

    • Stefan Becker

      Stefan Becker - 2013-12-10

      Where is the log? I don't see it...

      • Alex Kurilo

        Alex Kurilo - 2013-12-10

        Sorry about that.

        • Stefan Becker

          Stefan Becker - 2013-12-10

          No, in your case the authentication data provided for NTLM is simply incorrect.

          The log shows that your have configured "\Alexander_Kurilo" plus a password, i.e.

          DOMAIN   = <empty>
          ACCOUNT  = Alexander_Kurilo
          PASSWORD = ...your super secret password...

          Judging from experience this would be incorrect in most Windows AD environments. You need to supply your Windows AD credentials, e.g. EXAMPLE.ORG\Alexander_Kurilo as login name, or whatever is the account name you use to login into Windows machine.

          Please do read this page for initial account setup.

          • Alex Kurilo

            Alex Kurilo - 2013-12-10

            Well, I have read this.
            This was just an option -- I tried either with domain and without. Occasionally, I attached one of the attepmts without domain specified.

            Pidgin says ‘Web ticket request to failed’ and I see 401 as a result of auth attempt. However, I can see the page there using the credentials provided in browser with Basic HTTP Auth.

            Is there anything else I can provide or get a hint from about what's really going on?

            • Stefan Becker

              Stefan Becker - 2013-12-10

              Basic HTTP auth is different from NTLM authentication.

              Plus that is not the HTTP request that fails, it's That HTTP server does not offer Basic HTTP authentication.

              If you don't use Windows machines then maybe you should contact your IT to request the correct Windows AD account information.

              • Alex Kurilo

                Alex Kurilo - 2013-12-10

                My apologies for the very false alarm.
                I've just checked what browser sends when I see the page. It uses NTLM auth, so this far from what I thought and, thus, there is an issue with the credentials.

                Sorry for bugging you and thanks for help.

  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2013-12-11

    Ping. Feedback please.

    • Andre Goree

      Andre Goree - 2013-12-11

      My apologies, very busy times I'm in. I'm [attempting to] clone the repo right now, but it appears to be down(?). Is this still the correct URL?

    • Andre Goree

      Andre Goree - 2013-12-11

      I seem to have the same issue, tried renaming old ~/.purple after install from git. I've attached the debug log. Thanks for looking into this.

      • Stefan Becker

        Stefan Becker - 2013-12-11

        Are you sure you compiled from git or replaced the binary with the newly compiled one? Your log shows that you are using version 1.17.2 release:

        (11:15:03) sipe: sipe_core_allocate: SIPE version 1.17.2 signin_name ''

        If you compiled from git HEAD it should show (git commit 0c1b389) there.

      • Stefan Becker

        Stefan Becker - 2013-12-11

        Here is what I ses when I clone git HEAD:

        $ git clone -b mob git+ssh://
        Cloning into 'siplcs'...
        remote: Counting objects: 21192, done.
        remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4067/4067), done.
        remote: Total 21192 (delta 16914), reused 21184 (delta 16909)
        Receiving objects: 100% (21192/21192), 6.70 MiB | 454.00 KiB/s, done.
        Resolving deltas: 100% (16914/16914), done.
        Checking connectivity... done
        $ cd siplcs
        $ git status
        # On branch mob
        nothing to commit, working directory clean
        $ git describe
      • Stefan Becker

        Stefan Becker - 2013-12-11

        One other sanity check:

        $ strings src/purple/.libs/ | fgrep _ntlm:
        sip_sec_init_sec_context__ntlm: dropping old context

        If you don't see this string then your compiled version does not contain the fix.

        • Andre Goree

          Andre Goree - 2013-12-11

          agoree@agoree-arch ~/tmp/siplcs (git)-[fixer] % strings src/purple/.libs/ |fgrep _ntml
          1 agoree@agoree-arch ~/tmp/siplcs (git)-[fixer] %
          1 agoree@agoree-arch ~/tmp/siplcs (git)-[fixer] % git describe :(

          It would appear that I don't have the correctly compiled version installed. Sorry about that, please standby.

          • Stefan Becker

            Stefan Becker - 2013-12-11

            It's _ntlm, not _ntml :-)

            You have checkout branch "fixer" which is the release branch. Try

            $ git checkout mob
          • Andre Goree

            Andre Goree - 2013-12-11

            After rebuild with correct version, it works! Thanks Stefan.

            1 agoree@agoree-arch ~/tmp/siplcs (git)-[mob] % git describe :(

      • Stefan Becker

        Stefan Becker - 2013-12-11

        Sorry for being so pushy about this, but your YES/NO will decide if there is going to be a release 1.17.3 or not,. Sue to time constraints until the end of the year I can only release it within the next 24 hours or I have to cancel it altogether.

  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2013-12-11

    Thanks for verifying it. Now I can release 1.17.3 which will have this fix.


  • Stefan Becker

    Stefan Becker - 2013-12-11
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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