
SimpyTools / News: Recent posts

Simpy API Python 1.1 Available

I'm proud and pleased to announce the immediate availability of version 1.1 of the Python client for the REST API for

Most noteable Change:
The lib is now released under a dual license. You can use it under Apache v2 or LGPL v2.1

Additional Changes:
* allowed for all notes to be retrieved at once (without search)
* added support for DeleteNote API call
* fixed issue when trying to update notes or links with non-ASCII characters
updates for version 1.1
* added id attribute to Note class... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2007-04-19

Simpy API Python 1.0 Available

I'm happy to finally bring to you the latest and greatest simpyapi-python release. Ever!
It includes support for ALL methods of the REST API (see for details).

Go check it out! You can download it at

Posted by Anonymous 2006-11-07

Simpy Ruby API 0.01 Available

My Ruby API for Simpy is ready for use. I have committed version 0.01 to the SimpyTools sourceforge repository in simpyapi/simpyapi-ruby.

At the present time, simpyapi-ruby features support for adding, removing, modifying, and acquiring links as well as removing, renaming, and listing tags. Support for notes and watchlists will be implemented in a future version. Unsupported operations can still be performed with the generic Simpy::ClientBase.command method. Support is also provided for interfacing with Simpy RSS feeds.... read more

Posted by Ryan Paul 2006-06-22

Firefox Extension v0.1 available

I'm pleased to announce that Alexandru Badiu has released v0.1 of his Simpy Firefox extension at The site includes links to videos which show the usage of the extension.

Be sure to check out the SimpyTools project web site at too.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-05-29

Simpy Python API 0.1 Available

This is a late announcement for a release of the Simpy Python API version 0.1. The 0.1 version was released in August 2005, and can be downloaded from

Posted by Otis Gospodnetic 2006-03-29

Simpy Java API 1.1b Available

Long overdue release of 1.1b version is available for download from

Posted by Otis Gospodnetic 2006-03-29

Simpy PHP API 0.1 Available

The first cut of the Simpy PHP API is available.
Release notes and changelog are at
Release 0.1 can be downloaded from

Posted by Otis Gospodnetic 2006-03-29

Simpy Java API 1.0 Available

Version 1.0 - Codename: Katamari Damacy
Initial release

Posted by David Czarnecki 2005-05-15