
#1 support for HTTP proxy servers

Network (1)

actually a feature request for the TCP-library:
-add support for HTTP proxy servers
without that feature the simpleSoap library is useless in
most company environments.


  • Gerard J. Cerchio

    Logged In: YES

    I do not understand your request.

    SimpleSOAP is a server that speaks HTTP protocol.

    I do not understatnd your comment the package "is useless in
    most company environments". It runs in fine in all company
    environments that we have tried.

    Please explain yourself.

  • Herbert Danler

    Herbert Danler - 2005-10-03

    Logged In: YES

    The problem is that when I try to connect to a Webservice
    outside of our company, where all HTTP-traffic is conducted
    via a HTTP proxy server, I get a Network error (timeout).
    I tried the same connect using the gsoap package
    ( and get the same
    error as long as I do not set the gsoap variables proxy_host
    and proxy_port.
    Therefore I traced the problem back to missing support for
    HTTP proxy servers.
    I hope that describes the problem better.

    P.S. I apologize for the term "is useless in most company
    environments", since this is an incorrect generalization....

  • Herbert Danler

    Herbert Danler - 2005-10-03

    Logged In: YES

    The problem is that when I try to connect to a Webservice
    outside of our company, where all HTTP-traffic is conducted
    via a HTTP proxy server, I get a Network error (timeout).
    I tried the same connect using the gsoap package
    ( and get the same
    error as long as I do not set the gsoap variables proxy_host
    and proxy_port.
    Therefore I traced the problem back to missing support for
    HTTP proxy servers.
    I hope that describes the problem better.

    P.S. I apologize for the term "is useless in most company
    environments", since this is an incorrect generalization....

  • Gerard J. Cerchio

    • labels: --> Network

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