
SimpleshoPHP / News: Recent posts

SimpleshoPHP 0.11 up at

0.11 is a modest update, mostly to allow it to work with "register_globals=off" in php.ini.

Tested as a new install on a clean copy of Debian Sarge (aka Testing) with Apache2 and PHP4; also regression tested as a drop-in replacement for SimpleshoPHP 0.1 on RedHat 8. It should be completely backward compatible as there are no DB changes.

Other changes:

- handle quantities other than "1"
- database login, page headers and footers are now "include files" for easier management... read more

Posted by Kevin Martin 2004-11-29

Initial release of SimpleshoPHP

Version 0.1, a demo "used books" webstore, is online at SourceForge and the project's home page,

SimpleshoPHP bridges the gap between one-item static order forms and multi-product "hardware stores" such as PHPShop. It uses a single MySQL database with only one permanent table. The inventory is easily loaded from a simple spreadsheet using phpMyAdmin. Multiple departments supported. Easily customized by anyone with a grasp of HTML basics.

Posted by Kevin Martin 2003-06-09