
Going forward

The project has been idle recently, but I have been working on it.
The next version will use TXMLDocument rather than JEDI's SimpleXML.
This is for 3 reasons
1) It allows the project to be used more widely as JEDI is not needed
2) It simplies the licencing issues: In the past you had to conform to the lgpl (for simplerss) and the mpl (for jedi). Now you just need to conform to the lgpl
3) It runs on Windows (Delphi) and Linux (Kylix) - In fact my new site which I'm working on is powered by an apache DSO on a RedHat 8 box and uses SimpleRSS great.

I will also be putting up a page on my new site for the component and getting that going and releasing a zip and tar files for people to download and use on both that site and sf.

The last thing is that all inactive developers on this project have been removed.

Posted by Robert MacLean 2003-12-05

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