
Disable adapter?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-02-26


    The program works fine so far, but I have 1 problem that is very important for me.

    In the advanced mode I find "Disable adapter".

    But I do not understand how it works. When I check the box the tekst in the right collum turns grey, but the adapter is still active. When I choose another adapter in the pull down menu the box stays checked.

    So in basic it does nothing but making tekst grey?

    What I really want is that the adapter is disabled just like it can be disabled in the network configuration screen of Windows.

    Am I doing something wrong or is this not going to work like I want it?

  • Kurtis Liggett

    Kurtis Liggett - 2015-02-27

    It sounds like you are using the stable version 2.3 - what version of Windows are you using? I just tested on Windows 7, and it worked fine. The procedure is to select the adapter, check the "Disable adapter" checkbox, then hit the Apply button.

    I highly recommend trying the latest beta version 2.5 b4 found here - it has many improvements including disabling the adapter. In this version, you would select the adapter, then go to the Tools menu and select "Disable Adapter".
    ** The profiles.ini file has changed a bit in this version. To help with this, I made a tool to convert your file for you found here. This may or may not work perfectly. Should you have any issues, I would be happy to update your file for you.



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