
SimpleCaptcha / News: Recent posts

SimpleCaptcha for Java 1.5 avail for download

Thanks to GeoNetwork ( I have been able to provide a direct download link for the SimpleCaptcha jar compiled using Java 1.5:

Posted by James Childers 2010-12-28

Java 1.5 branch created

Based on user requests, I have created a Java5 branch. To get it, clone the git repo and get the branch:

# git clone git://
# cd simplecaptcha
# git checkout java1.5
# ant

If you get errors during the build about various things related to javax.servlet, set the $CATALINA_HOME environment variable to a directory containing the servlet-api.jar. For me, this is:... read more

Posted by James Childers 2010-12-18

Website documentation updated, v1.1.1 released

The main website documentation has finally been updated. There was a permissions issue that kept me from being able to write to the htdocs/ directory, but the SF support staff was eventually able to resolve the problem.

The documentation was generated with Webby, a Ruby templating tool which generates static HTML. Recommended.

There were also some minor refactorings and some updates to the sample apps. ... read more

Posted by James Childers 2009-02-11

SimpleCaptcha 1.1 Released - Grails, Spring, JavaFX

Major refactoring, provided extensive Grails example implentations, added ability for Spring integration, and further improved CAPTCHA image generation capabilities.

Posted by James Childers 2009-01-29

Documentation updated

I've added some documentation for the SimpleCaptcha 1.0 release:

I'm still working on getting permissions to update the website, but in the meantime this will hopefully provide enough information to get you up and running with the 1.0 release.

Posted by James Childers 2008-08-29

SimpleCaptcha 1.0 Released

SimpleCaptcha 1.0 has been released. This release includes migrating the code to Java5/6, a structural refactoring, massive amounts of code cleanup, and speed improvements.

Posted by James Childers 2008-08-06