
Silvernode Chimaera / News: Recent posts

The End

Sadly, we will be unable to continue development on the Chim2 project. A brave effort was made, but there is simply not the same class of time available as there was. I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to fix up the small annoying problems that people discovered in the code, but c'est la vie. I hope that the software still serves some people well; I'm proud of the quality of the code, and of the Micron framework. Thanks to the thousands that have already downloaded it, too :) Adios.

Posted by Daniel Lowes 2005-10-04


It's been slow here lately, through factors beyond my control. I'm desperately wishing to work on the project, but, alas, bills must be paid. However, this week I have half-off, and intend to devote my time to fixing the errors that various users of the system have brought to my attention. I'll also be releasing a new version of Virian, and of the Micron database system, with support for several nifty new features. With any luck, Chim2 will also be getting an upgrade ;)
Look out for it.

Posted by Daniel Lowes 2005-03-19

Important MySQL notice

I've just encountered some MySQL behaviour which it is important to mention. If you are using any release of the MySQL/NET connector other than the most recent (v1.0.4), you may encounter obscure and seemingly unfounded accusations that your SQL is incorrent. After quite some time doing and redoing the ChkString function, I discovered that the problem was with the library itself :/ Dammit. Anyway, if you upgrade to the latest copy of the library, these problems seem to go away.... read more

Posted by Daniel Lowes 2005-02-20

Chim2 at 96%

I was pleasantly surprised to see today that Chimaera2 has hit a 96% activity percentile this week! This places us in the top 700 projects on Sourceforge. Hopefully this will only improve :) Thanks to everyone who's supported us so far. Much more ahead...

Posted by Daniel Lowes 2004-10-10

Chimaera2 Patch 5 released

Has a fix for some date/time related issues

Posted by Richard Wilson 2004-10-04

Webdrive now in Chimaera2

The Chimaera2 now includes Webdrive, the online file management tool. Check out Chimaera2 v1000 Patch 4 or later.

Posted by Richard Wilson 2004-09-05

Latest news

Well, things are progressing nicely. All bugs that have cropped up in the last month or so have been fixed, with the exception of one. There have been two new patches, but due to the fact that visitors were only downloading the oldest one (catch a wake-up, people) I hid all except the most recent releases.

Improvements-wise, no new work. I've used my off-time to develop some improvements to the security of the system, which will be debuting in a future release (probably v1001). It's a mechanism for preventing replay attacks which, while not foolproof, is a lot more secure than the current setup, and fast as well.... read more

Posted by Daniel Lowes 2004-08-24

Next up

v1001 will be released sometime in the next few months...once our lives calm down, and we have time to code again :P

Posted by Daniel Lowes 2004-07-23