
JpGraph Error

  • adam314

    adam314 - 2011-11-16


    First of all, excellent work on this very useful software. Just in case it helps someone, I was able to get it running (both locally and on web host) after uncommenting the following line in /inc/config.php
    ini_set('include_path', ini_get('include_path') . PATH_SEPARATOR . FN_ROOT_DIR_SILLAJ . 'lib/pear');

    My problem is when I try to generate a Gantt graph under "Reports".  An error is returned:

    JpGRaph Error
    You are trying to use the locale (en_EN) which your PHP installation does not support. Hint: Use ’’ to indicate the default locale for this geographic region.

    This error appears on the local installation and on the web host installation. I'm new at php and am wondering what I can do to solve this. Where can I "Use ’’ to indicate the default locale for this geographic region." Is it somewhere in the code?

    Thanks in advance.

  • adam314

    adam314 - 2011-11-17

    Hi again,

    I managed to get rid of the error and get the gantt chart working by editing /lib/jpgraph.php

    "function Set($aLocale) {"
    I put :
    $aLocale = '';

    Not sure if that's ideal but it seems to work. Feel free to let me know if there's a better way :)

    Kind regards.

  • Delorme

    Delorme - 2011-11-17

    Thanks for sharing your problems and solutions.

    Depending on systems locales can be 1 or 2 words (for example "en" or "en_us"). I'll have a look at the code to find the problem here.

    I'm not very involved in this software any longer, but I'm glad it is useful… Enjoy…


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