
My time, data inputs for several projects

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I've got a second question/request (after the one about projects reports).

    This is about the way to enter hours spent on projects. I think that a matrix of projects and days for the current week could be more effective for the user. If you work on several projects, it could be nice if you have on the screen all fields for all the projects you are working on (instead of choosing one after the other in the drop down list).

    What do you think?


    • Delorme

      Delorme - 2006-01-11

      Well, it depends on the way you enter your data. I ususally do it after every task or at the end of the day (I can't remember sufficiently what I did 3 days ago). And I have generally several tasks for the same project on the same day (and several project per day) : the form would become quite cluttered...

      You could modify /templates/default/index.tpl to add your form and index.php, but that would be a deep re-write. If it looks good, I could include it :)


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