
SiG information generator / News: Recent posts

SiG::Integrated Wordpress Plugin

Tons of features including Image Galleries and User Forums and Event Calendars.

Download from my project's website.

Posted by Jon Bardin 2005-10-04

SiG Google Maps Example

AKA the SiG WiFi Locator:

My google maps hack.

Posted by Jon Bardin 2005-07-01

I should also note that

This is Jon Bardin signed in as jefte (but jefte is still around)

Posted by Jefte Puente 2004-06-25


I have fixed some of the existing bugs. I have also submitted it to the php5 contest as well as the php5 contest (I hope they accept it since its not php5 (its the same OO though)). Also I have updated the homepage: to include a Forum for commentary

Posted by Jefte Puente 2004-06-25

SiG is alive

It has come to my attention that some of SiG's use of PHP4's OO model examples how powerful it has always been... even when compared to the new zend2 engine. So I have decided to resurect this project. My intentions are to submit it as a example (and test) of PHP4's OO model into the new PHP5 programming contest. I am also planning on releasing some newer code that has the same functionality as the original SiG but using PHP5's OOP model (new iterators, exceptions, and interfaces). Also I have updated the homepage with some more documentation and a demo of what SiG is capable of.

Posted by Jon Bardin 2004-06-22

Gearing up for a release

I have implemented the Content_Node modules, and the Forum/Thread_Node modules... I should be ready to release the code, along with documentation later this week. Check out the current development version here-> . I am also still looking for developers to make there own modules so i can check out the system from a 3rd party perspective. And I am also still looking for main developers. Stay tuned for more -Jon

Posted by Jon Bardin 2001-10-23

SiG Code Restructure

SiG has undergone a massive code base restructure... New features are outlined at the live development site I am also looking for coders to help out with the project. I want SiG to be more than a slashcode work-a-like and I need as much support/help/ideas from the community inorder to make this possible. That is all -Jon

Posted by Jon Bardin 2001-06-26

Template sites released

I have released packages containing templated sites that have been created using SiG.. Please check the homepage for more information.. and please contact me if you need any help or are intrested in using SiG for your portal.

Posted by Jon Bardin 2001-02-25

Developers Needed

SiG is a growing application and needs developers. also plese you the forum so we can keep track of whats going on

Posted by Jon Bardin 2001-01-09