
#7 Fixes showtimes for Yahoo as of 11/5/2003


At least as of 11/5/2003 the showtimes stopped being
processed correctly on Yahoo. The attached file fixes
this bug. I had to remove the parenthesis (they were
not showing up correctly anyway) - if anyone can figure
out how to get them to show up correctly, that would be

I also noticed that if there are a LOT of times (Matrix
Revolutions is causing this :-) ) it truncates them.
Here is an example of a list of times that get
truncated (it clips off one and a half times):
8:30 PM, 9:00, 9:45, 10:10, 10:30, 10:50, (9:00 AM),
(10:20), (10:40), (11:00), (11:30), (12:00), (12:30),
(1:05), (1:25), (1:50), (2:20), (2:50), (3:30), (3:50),
(4:10), (4:30), (5:00), (5:20), (5:45), 6:30, 6:55,
7:20, 7:40, 8:10

I have not fixed that bug.


  • Allen Servedio

    Allen Servedio - 2003-11-06

    Patched - mainly in the SplitShowtimes() method

  • ken poole

    ken poole - 2003-11-11

    Logged In: YES

    I am not seeing any incorrect behaviour in the parsing of
    times. what is the zip and p= value you are using? this way I
    can try to see exactly what you are seeing.

  • Allen Servedio

    Allen Servedio - 2003-11-12

    Logged In: YES

    I use zip 30096. It was working before the day that I made
    the patch. The main thing that seemed broken (and that my
    patch addressed) was that they would have the times listed
    like the ones that I have in my example... Here they are
    again (notice how they only say PM once):
    8:30 PM, 9:00, 9:45, 10:10, 10:30, 10:50, (9:00 AM),
    (10:20), (10:40), (11:00), (11:30), (12:00), (12:30),
    (1:05), (1:25), (1:50), (2:20), (2:50), (3:30), (3:50),
    (4:10), (4:30), (5:00), (5:20), (5:45), 6:30, 6:55,
    7:20, 7:40, 8:10

    The algorithm in the original perl script would hand me back
    all AM times other than that 8:30PM. I fixed that in my patch.


  • ken poole

    ken poole - 2003-11-12

    Logged In: YES

    Do you have "SHOWSESSIONS" selected in your .cfg file?
    I am not seeing the "incorrect" behaviour, but I dont have
    this selected ... I have one listing/movie/theater, with all
    the times listed in the one panel, in the same order they
    are from the yahoo page.

  • Allen Servedio

    Allen Servedio - 2003-11-14

    getdata.cfg file that I use

  • Allen Servedio

    Allen Servedio - 2003-11-14

    Logged In: YES

    Yep, I have SHOWSESSIONS selected. I have included my .cfg
    file in case you wanted to check any more of my settings.
    Anyway, the patch that I put up appears to be continuing to
    work. If it is unnecessary and there is just a different
    setting that would be fine too. If you want a good example
    of what is messed up, look for some of the theaters that are
    showing the Matrix on like 3 screens (so that there are
    loads of times) and look for one where they have times
    without PM on all of them.

  • ken poole

    ken poole - 2003-11-15

    Logged In: YES

    the routine you modified isnt used if you dont use
    SHOWSESSIONS. I personally dont use that option, and I like
    the way the movie times are presented. Also, the times seem
    to be presented in the order they are from yahoo. I havent
    found any "clipping" of the times yet (even using your zipcode)
    . Have you tried using it without sessions? I see nothing else
    different between out two .cfg files.

  • Allen Servedio

    Allen Servedio - 2003-11-18

    Logged In: YES

    Agreed - turning SHOWSESSIONS off also seems to fix the
    problem. Thanks!

  • A.Ron Carmichael

    Logged In: YES

    Is anyone able to successfully obtain movie plots off of
    yahoo at this point? I've tried the installs, the fixes,
    the updates. The seems to be a problem I can't
    get around. I'd just like to verify that it works for
    someone before I spend more hours pounding my head against
    it. :)

  • ken poole

    ken poole - 2004-01-04

    Logged In: YES

    the movie plots retrieval is part of, not part
    I just tested doing a clean install of showtimes from the
    home website, and dropping the and from
    patch 618963, modified the example yahoo entries so the
    value for "p" is zero and it worked, including plots. You
    need both of the above two files to get the best results.
    Also, yahoo something about the "p=" value, so I find it
    best to start from zero and move up to see what will work.
    Also, I dont use getdata.exe, but invoke it as :

  • A.Ron Carmichael

    Logged In: YES

    re: "I dont use getdata.exe, but invoke it as : perl"
    ahh. I don't have perl on my Win2K box, so I have been
    using the getdata.exe. getdata.exe may be part of my

    I'll try to find out how to get a copy of perl so I can
    execute the script as you do.

    "Also yahoo something about the ..." ?? I don't understand
    this sentence - is a word missing from what you typed?

    I'll reattempt, and stay with it till it works, now that I
    know it CAN work<RBG>
    thanks for your reply!

  • ken poole

    ken poole - 2004-01-05

    Logged In: YES

    "Also, yahoo something"
    should be
    "Also, yahoo changed something"

  • aicheee

    aicheee - 2004-02-04

    Logged In: YES

    I am having similar problems to those listed here. I have
    never been able to get plots and am not that bothered. But
    Showtimes was working fine for months and then stopped
    working some time in December/January. I keep getting the
    GETDATA.PL ERROR that I've seen others getting. I do not
    have (not even sure what it is). So far the only thing that I
    have found to work was to go to the page for
    my zip and copy the URL in to the getdata.cfg file as
    suggested. This URL does not have the many extensions
    that the URLs included in the .cfg file have. The only problem
    is that I only get movietimes for that day.

    Can someone give me a simple solution to this problem?


  • A.Ron Carmichael

    Logged In: YES

    It is working fine for me now.
    Blackmoor fixed things quite nicely. I'll quote from him:

    "Largely due to your question, there is a new version which
    fixes many bugs.
    Showtimes 0.7 (2004-01-10)
    Version 0.7 incorporates numerous fixes by myself and
    others, primarily pertaining to Yahoo movie times, and IMDb
    plots and genres. Additionally, the Windows versions now
    include native Windows binaries, obviating the need to
    install Perl (although you still may, if you prefer).


    IMHO, he da man!


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