
Other newbs: how to run tests without RRT

  • szplug

    szplug - 2008-08-30


      This is a simple fix for the lisp version; when you try to run the tests

      (asdf:oos 'asdf:test-op :shop2)

    you get an error about missing the :RRT dependency. RRT is another planner which can no longer be distributed, so shop2 doesn't.

    So in shop2.asd, just similarly comment out the parts below (with ;;;)

    (defsystem :shop-pddl-tests
        :class shop-tester
    ;;; no longer a dependency, we remove rrt from the tests below
    ;;;    :depends-on (:shop2 :rrt)
        :in-order-to ((test-op (load-op :shop-pddl-tests)))
        :components ((:file "pddl-unit-tests")))

    and then right below it:

    (defmethod perform ((op test-op)
                    (system (eql (find-system :shop-pddl-tests))))
      ;;; remove rrt from tests
      (let ;;;((do-test (intern (symbol-name '#:do-test) :rrt)))
        (eval `(,do-test
               ',(intern (symbol-name '#:simple-pddl-actions) :shop2)))
        (eval `(,do-test
               ',(intern (symbol-name '#:defdomain-single-action) :shop2)))
        (eval `(,do-test
               ',(intern (symbol-name '#:pddl-add-and-delete) :shop2)))))

    • Robert P. Goldman

      That probably is not the Right Thing, because the PDDL tests are probably not of major interest to anyone.  I will try to supply an RRT tarball for you to use in the interim.  Meanwhile, we have replaced the RRT dependency with a more solid unit test library, and will make that available when we put up the next SHOP2 version.


    • szplug

      szplug - 2008-08-30

      Yeah, I found there were lots more rrt dependencies within pddl-unit-test, so I had to do larger surgery, tell sbcl to go ahead and overwrite a constant, and am continuing. But I don't know if even that works yet, of course.

      • Robert P. Goldman

        I don't mean to seem like a troll, but why bother going to the trouble of fixing the test-op, instead of just not running it?

        Especially since once you're done removing the RRT dependencies, there really won't be much of anything left...

        I'd suggest you hold off until I can get an RRT tarball posted.


        • szplug

          szplug - 2008-09-02

          > why bother going to the trouble of fixing the test-op, instead of just not running it?

          Well, bloodymindedness and to gauge how bit-rotted the rest was likely to be. Except for the lack of RRT, it runs fine.

          There's no need to post RRT on my behalf though; it turns out I need a non-deterministic planner. Thanks, for your responses.

          • Robert P. Goldman

            >> why bother going to the trouble of fixing the test-op, instead of just not running it?

            > Well, bloodymindedness and to gauge how bit-rotted the rest was likely to be. Except for the lack of RRT, it runs fine. 

            > There's no need to post RRT on my behalf though; it turns out I need a non-deterministic planner. Thanks, for your responses.

            FWIW, there is support for ND planning in SHOP2, although at the moment it's a bit rocky (less solid than the main core, anyway).  I'll talk to the other folks working on it and see if we can get it folded into the distro.  The main problem is that we're moving towards using CLOS to avoid having a large number of slightly-different copies of SHOP2, with different extensions.  Instead, we are trying to use CLOS to have classes of domain, etc., and allow people to mix and match different capabilities.  Especially to avoid the problem of having offshoots that never get bug-fixes that went onto the main SHOP system.

            • Robert P. Goldman

              OK, the latest version of the RRT library is uploaded.  Can be loaded by ASDF.

              Bug reports, if not welcome, at least of interest!



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