
Sherpa - hiking information / News: Recent posts

Sherpa 2.0

Sherpa 2.0 is now up and running in beta. This means that the current 1.0 code will be obsolete. 2.0 runs in PHP and integrates with two more projects. More information about this in may.


Ragnvald Larsen
Project manager Sherpa 1.0

Posted by Ragnvald Larsen 2004-04-09

Peak performance...

Sherpa is the number one open source web publishing system for hiking information.

This summer the major Sherpa users website ( hosted 300.000+ pageviews in one month. The daily rates out of season, now in december, are on an average 5.000 pages daily.

The project is mature enough to be implemented by similar organizations in other countries. This of course will imply a translation, but given resources this should also be possible.... read more

Posted by Ragnvald Larsen 2002-12-06

20.000 weekly pageviews!

The Sherpa system as implemented by DNT (the Norwegian hikers association) is now being used daily by 6-800 individual users. By the beginning of august there will be a server transition from our old ISP to the new one where our new server already is serving a test-version of the complete system.

Our goal is to have about 20.000 daily impressions on the DNT webpages by the end of the year. To get there we will need to do a lot of work with the system.... read more

Posted by Ragnvald Larsen 2001-07-21

New server

DNT has bought a new server. This will be the new production site for their version of Sherpa. Kind people as they are there will also be a test-version with accessible admin routines for anyone who'd like to see how things works without installing a version of their own.

More information on this will be available primo august.

Posted by Ragnvald Larsen 2001-07-18

Sherpa project status: Quite happy!

The sherpa project will have a presentation of the project the 15. of june in Arendal, Norway. DNT, the main current system user and contributor, will introduce Sherpa to its member organizations. In this phase we will fix bugs and add functionality for local-organizations.

The project has had several offers from potential contributors. Both running code and written text is awaited. Follow through rate has been very low for some contributors. I do not know why, and any comments and suggestions are welcome.... read more

Posted by Ragnvald Larsen 2001-06-01

Tor-Einar overtar som DNTs prosjektleder for web

Trond vstedals engasjement som informasjonssjef i DNT er n over. Trond har vrt viktig i prosessen med ta i bruk Sherpa som ressurs for DNT sine nye websider.

Tor-Einar Skog vil inntil videre overta som prosjektets viktigste kontaktperson i DNT. Tor-Einar er utdannet fra landbrukshyskolen p s, men har ogs rukket rukket f en del dataerfaring med p veien.

Tor-Einar vil forelpig arbeide med Sherpa frem til begynnelsen av august. Han er fra i dag av registrert som prosjektleder i Sherpa.

Posted by Ragnvald Larsen 2001-05-05

Sherpa is up and running for DNT

The Norwegian Mountain Touring Association, DNT, are now using the Sherpa system as a system for publishing their webpages. The running code can be viewed here:

The system is still in its BETA testing periode. But things are looking good! The organization has now registered 360+ cabins and are in the process of registering over 1000 hiking segments into the system. 200 mountain peaks in Norway above 2000 meters and other places of interest will be included in the system within the next months. The system for publishing is also daily use from now on. The organization daily has over 1500 pageviews, mostly Nowegian.... read more

Posted by Ragnvald Larsen 2001-04-24

Translation of Whitepaper

The Sherpa Whitepaper translation is in progress. Ragnvald has spent some hours this easter doing a crude translation of the Sherpa Whitepaper. It is now sent to Alan Mobley for a further cleanup and refinement.

The publication of the english Whitepaper is due in primo may.

Posted by Ragnvald Larsen 2001-04-16

Kort info om fremdrift

Trond og Tor-Einar er n i gang med legge inn hytter i den databasen som Ragnvald har laget. Ragnvald vil i lpet av uka som kommer sikre at arbeidet med programmeringen av websidene kommer igang. Arbeidet vil i frste omgang gjres av Dag Nss. vrige personer tilknytta prosjektet er ikke aktivert p dette tidspunkt.

Posted by Ragnvald Larsen 2001-03-16

Epostlister stttes

Et epostlistesystem er n ferdig. Med dette kan brukere av websidene be om tilsending av informasjon som de fler er relevant via epost. Meldingene arkiveres og kan hentes frem igjen senere.

Posted by Ragnvald Larsen 2000-12-07

DNT skal lre av Sherpa

En del av den koden som i dag benyttes i Sherpa skal benyttes i de nye websidene til Den Norske Turistforening. Utviklingsarbeidet blir primrt gjort av et firma i Oslo, men for spare ressurser er det en fordel om vi i arbeidet med Sherpa tar hyde for annen bruk og fokuserer p modularisering i arbeidet.

Posted by Ragnvald Larsen 2000-12-07

Utviklersett versjon 1.2 klart

Nytt utviklersett for Sherpa er klart. Dette kan hentes ned under filer/files i menyen til Sherpa.

Posted by Ragnvald Larsen 2000-11-14

Sherpa - what's happening

The Sherpa projects current developing phase suggests that the development should be kept in Norwegian for another 6 months. The projects strong connection with a Norwegian NGO is the reason why.

In 6-8 months from now the project code should be translated into English. This also goes for the database tables.

Keep posted by watching the project homepage at:

Posted by Ragnvald Larsen 2000-10-15

Language preference - Norwegian

This fall the developing language will be Norwegian. English speaking interesents may make me change my mind on this matter later.

Posted by Ragnvald Larsen 2000-09-07