
Evolution few bugs

  • (C)0||3N

    (C)0||3N - 2007-09-05

    Hello, ya all...

    i started using evolution for windows, and stumbled in to these 2 prob's

    it seems that i'm missing some buttons, on the left bottom there are the buttons
    to switch to: mail, contacts, calendar, memo and tasks .
    well i don't have them, only way to get there is with ctrl-1 ctrl-2 ect ect.

    and last, i get an error with closing evolution (memory could not be read......)
    but i already saw several notifications on that.

    version 2.8.2-2

    Thx, nice work so far !!!!!

    • Danbo

      Danbo - 2007-09-05

      You can get those buttons by clicking on View / Switcher appearance and then making sure "Hide Buttons" is not checked. As far as the error message when closing goes, I am not sure 100% what it is but moght have something to do with the program not unload from memory proper;y. I am sure subsequent versions will fix that.

      Now if only Evolution for windows could could connect to OWA via SSL .........

    • (C)0||3N

      (C)0||3N - 2007-09-07

      Thanx, that did the trick indeed.

      for that memory leak error, i'll just wait for the next release
      to solve that..

      nice work...

      btw. how can i switch from language ??
      mine is in dutch at the moment, but i prefer English..!

      • Danbo

        Danbo - 2007-09-07

        That is a good question. I wish I could help but i don't know. When I installed evoltion it did the install in english. I have looked through the preferences and can't find anything!


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