
Scalix and Zimbra Connectors

  • Roland Kaeser

    Roland Kaeser - 2007-04-22

    Hello All

    I'm currently in evaluating the Zimbra and Scalix community editions for use in small companies which have just a few employees. The often have mixed environments (windows and linux). But the licensing model of this two groupware solutions  just allows to buy licenses for 25 or more users (which would enable the use of outlook on the windows side). Often this is to expensive for those small companies. So I think it would be very helpful if the opensource connectors for this groupware-servers could be included into the windows port of Evolution. This would enable everybody to use evolution for accessing the groupware systems from their desktops.

    Many thanks

    Roland Kaeser

    • Roland Kaeser

      Roland Kaeser - 2007-04-25


      Is somebody out there? If the Developer can provide the build scripts, I will self try to integrate it.


    • Roland Kaeser

      Roland Kaeser - 2007-04-30


      I've tried to build the connector by myself but hadn't much success. I could compile the camel provider dll but not the additional dlls. Has somebody a idea how to integrate this?


    • Roland Kaeser

      Roland Kaeser - 2007-07-13


      Is there any kind of progress in this issue? When not I would be thankful about a short message about why?

      Many thanks

      Roland Kaeser


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