
SharpWebMail 0.13 beta released

SharpWebMail is an ASP.NET webmail application that is written in C#. It uses a POP3 or IMAP servers as the mailstore and sends mail through a SMTP server. It is very simple to configure (only a few settings in the web.config file). You can compose HTML messages, search your inbox, read complex mime messages, have multiple address books and much more. It fully works under .NET and Mono.

We have reached 0.13 milestone. So here is a new beta (0.13b). It has new features, some improvements and fixes.

* Address books are now configurable in read/write mode (only for oledb and odbc sources right now). There is also a import/export UI. Readonly and read/write address books can be mixed in the configuration.
* Updated almost all the translations.
* Implemented forwarding with attachments (controlled by ForwardAttachments option).
* When replying messages quote the original body and show some metadata (from, date, ...). (controlled ReplyQuoteChar and ReplyQuoteStyle options).
* Trash folder behavior is now configurable. It can be completely disabled (messages are deleted immediately), partly deleted (messages a deleted immediately from the inbox view or from the read message view) or just left as before (messages are mark for deletion and deleted on logout).
* Checkbox added to allow selection of all messages in a page of the inbox.
* The default encoding defined by RFC 2045 can now be overridden to allow decoding of messages generated by buggy email clients (controlled by UseServerEncoding option).
* Added "tabindex" attribute to all the form fields to allow easier use without mouse.
* FCKEditor updated to version 2.1.1.
* SharpMimeTools updated to 0.5b.
* Several bugfixes.
* Read changelog for full details.

This release has been partially sponsored by an anonymous user.

SharpWebMail product page:

SharpWebMail project page:

Enjoy it.

Posted by Angel Marin 2005-11-04

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