
Searches never find anything!

  • Cadet Stimpy

    Cadet Stimpy - 2009-12-17

    My searches for music never find anything.  All it ever says is, "Some results are available, but were filtered out."  I'm running Windows 7, 64-bit.

    1) I have Internet connectivity
    2) ShareazaPlus is connected to Gnutella1, Gnutella2 and eDonkey
    3) Other Users are downloading music from me
    4) ShareazaPlus is on the allowed list in the Windows Firewall

    WTF, over?  Could it be a setting on my router, or what?  Thanks.


  • Cadet Stimpy

    Cadet Stimpy - 2009-12-18

    Thanks, old_death.

    I went to that link you supplied and ran all 4 tests, and they all passed, saying my router is configured properly, etc.  However, I'm still having the issue I described in my original post.  Do you have a Plan B?  Thanks.


  • OldDeath

    OldDeath - 2009-12-19

    Well, if your results were filtered out, then you should check your filter… ;) There are two main filters. The security filter and the search (advanced) filter.

  • Cadet Stimpy

    Cadet Stimpy - 2009-12-19

    I've never touched the filters.  Under View->Advanced->Security, in the Address/Content column, it has a check in front of "Default Policy" (both in green).  In the Action column it says "Accept", also in green.  That's about it, in the Security section, if I'm looking in the correct place.  In the main Search window, down in the lower-right corner, the Filter field is empty/blank, and if I click on "More…", I get a little window that has what I assume to be the defaults (can I attach JPG files in the forum?).  The top field is empty, and at the bottom, the Filters drop-down is empty, as well.  Again, I'm not sure if I'm looking in the correct places, but I've never done anything with Filters.

    Thanks for your responses, old_death.  If my Filters are okay, do you have a Plan C?


  • OldDeath

    OldDeath - 2009-12-20

    OK… have you tried searching for something that probably has many sources? Keywords like "Shareaza", "Ubuntu" or just simply "Porn" are the best ones to test whether there is a general problem or whether the thing(s) you are looking for are just too rare and don't give results…

  • Cadet Stimpy

    Cadet Stimpy - 2009-12-21

    I pretty much only search for music files and was searching for Madonna and The Beatles.  No results.  However, I was only searching for audio files by selecting "Audio" from the "Look for this type of file:" drop-down.  Just for the heck of it, I tried searching for Beatles songs using the "Any File Type" selection.  Presto!  It finds hundreds of files!

    Back when I was using XP and Vista (both 64-bit), searching for files of the type "Audio" always worked.  Now it doesn't - I have to search using "Any File Type".  But, I was using the regular Shareaza back then.  What's up with that?

    Shouldn't ShareazaPlus find MP3 files when searching for Audio files?  I'm going to install regular Shareaza and see how that behaves.  I'll update this thread with the results.  The culprit seems to be ShareazaPlus and/or WIndows 7.

    Thanks for your continued help, old_death.


  • Cadet Stimpy

    Cadet Stimpy - 2009-12-21

    Well, it appears that ShareazaPlus is the primary culprit.  When I search for an Artist with a file type of Audio in Shareaza, it works fine.  But when I do the exact same search using ShareazaPlus, it finds nothing.  I don't know if the behavior is the same with XP or Vista, but with WIndows 7 Ultimate, that's what happens.

    Is this a bug?



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