
SourceForge Project Tools / Blog: Recent posts

WWW::SourceForge 0.59 released

I've released 0.59 to CPAN. I've been getting test failure messages for a while, and this morning I finally figured out why. On most vanilla systems, it seems that LWP::Simple either doesn't do https, or the SF https cert wasn't verifying properly, or something like that. Switching to http:// URLs for the various APIs fixed all the tests.

Posted by Rich Bowen 2012-12-27 Labels: release api perl

WWW::SourceForge 0.36 released

I've pushed WWW::SourceForge 0.36 up to CPAN. It provides an implementation of the data API to fetch project objects and User objects. More to come.

Posted by Rich Bowen 2012-07-24

Started project tools project

The SFProjectTools project is a collection of tools for SourceForge projects. Greasemonkey scripts, command-line utilities, statistical scripts, and ... whatever else might assist in managing a SourceForge project.

If you have any such tools, please let us know, and share with everyone.


Posted by Rich Bowen 2012-07-02