
7-Zip-JBinding release: 4.65-1.01rc-extr-only

Release - 4.65-1.01rc-extr-only (Release candidate, extraction only, cross-platform, based on zip/p7zip 4.65)

* API change was necessary to fix a bug:
- net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.IArchiveExtractCallback.prepareOperation(ExtractAskMode) is void now.

- net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.IArchiveExtractCallback.getStream(int, ExtractAskMode) accepts null return values now.
null return values can be used to skip on the fly extraction/testing of archive items.

* net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.ISevenZipInArchive.extract(int[], boolean, IArchiveExtractCallback):
- the first parameter "int[]" is optional now. If null value passed all archive items will be extracted.
It if possible to exclude particular items later on using IArchiveExtractCallback call back. Returning null
out of net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.IArchiveExtractCallback.getStream method will skip extraction/testing.

* CAB format support + tests

* LZH format support + tests

* CHM format support + tests

* Dashboard project added:

* Bugfix: crash, if access archive object out of a call back method

Posted by Boris Brodski 2009-09-01

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