
Mac OS X, C# .NET, Mono ?

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  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I tried 7-zip-jbindings on Mac OS X and it worked for Java.  Any hints on what to do for C# .NET using Mono on Mac OS X, for 7-zip library (7z, rar, zip, etc)?  Can I use 7-zip-jbindings somehow via C#, or do I need something else?  I also saw SevenZipSharp, but I think it's only for Windows.  Any leads greatly appreciated.

  • Boris Brodski

    Boris Brodski - 2010-02-23


    I'm not a .NET expert, but I think there is no way to use 7-Zip-JBinding or any other Java library directly from .NET. I'm sorry. The good news is, that there are some third party Java<->.NET bridges. Just take a look at:

    If you are seriously interested in something like 7-Zip-.NETBinding or 7-Zip-NBinding, you could start a new project and try to port 7-Zip-JBinding to .NET ;-) You can count on my support.

    Boris Brodski

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I was hoping that SevenZipSharp (or some other C# wrapper) might be able to support Mac OS X…  Or be modified to support Mac OS X.  Must be some equivalent of 7z.dll for Mac OS X (and Linux)?  I haven't looked at the 7-zip-jbindings source yet, but I don't see the 7z.dll, so maybe it links statically…  Thanks

  • Boris Brodski

    Boris Brodski - 2010-02-23

    You are right, there is no 7z.dll (not any more). The trick of the cross-platform version of 7-Zip-JBinding is, that Windows versions make use of 7-zip code, whether all other versions make use of p7zip code. 7-Zip-JBinding native part consists of the single shared library (DLL/.so file). 7-Zip/p7zip .c and .cpp files are compiled together with 7-Zip-JBinding .cpp files.

    I think, that SevenZipSharp uses 7z.dll and there are no equivalent in the Mac OS X world.

    If you have questions considering 7-Zip-JBinding source code or build issues or something else please fill free to ask questions here.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Oh…  Sounds like the suggested choices are:

    A) Compile 7-zip/p7zip code directly, and write C++ code wrappers for it, to interface with (map to) C# / .NET, using whatever is the C# / .NET / Mono equivalent of JNI

    B) Wrap 7-zip-jbindings with a (Java <-> .NET / C# / Mono) bridge.  So the interface / functions / types will map to .NET

    Sounds like more work than I was expecting O:-)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hm, I wonder if the IKVM.NET project ( is a reasonable 3rd option…  Like, to run 7-zip-jbindings on top of IKVM.NET, via (dynamic mode) or more likely via (static mode - statically compile 7-zip-jbindings libraries into .NET assembly). ( )

  • Boris Brodski

    Boris Brodski - 2010-02-25

    IKVM.NET looks very nice. The JNI support is there. I think, this is a very good solution, in case it works as expected.

    Did you already test it?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I haven't tried it yet.  But thought maybe could use IKVM.NET (I think static mode, to compile the 7-jbindings libraries into .NET assemply)…  Then call that .NET version of 7-zip-jbindings from C# code.  Not sure if the idea makes sense.

  • Boris Brodski

    Boris Brodski - 2010-02-27

    This should work this way. But the way, I think there will be no big difference in performance between static and dynamic mode, since the most CPU-time will be spend in the native code anyway.

    I'm currently busy with a Version 2.0 of 7-Zip-JBinding with a archive creation support, so I will appreciate very much, if you could try to get 7-Zip-JBinding to work with IKVM. We could publish a little tutorial, than. I could also write new tests to make sure future versions of 7-Zip-JBinding work with IKVM as well.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I tried this today (on Windows 7, 64-bit / x64, Visual Studio 2008), using latest  (  I ran (ikvmc.exe -target:library lib\sevenzipjbinding-AllPlatforms.jar) and (ikvmc.exe -target:library lib\sevenzipjbinding.jar) .  Both compiled without any error/warning messages, resulting in sevenzipjbinding-AllPlatforms.dll and sevenzipjbinding.dll.

    I created a new Visual Studio project, and added these 2 dll files as a reference.  Then wrote this code:

    string strDll = @"C:\ikvm_generated_7-zip-jbinding\sevenzipjbinding-AllPlatforms.dll";
    string strJar = @"C:\sevenzipjbinding\sevenzipjbinding-AllPlatforms.jar";


    string fileName = @"C:\testfile.cbr"; randomAccessFile = new, "r");
    ISevenZipInArchive archive = net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.SevenZip.openInArchive(
      new net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.impl.RandomAccessFileInStream(randomAccessFile));
    // CODE END

    This compiled.  However, when I run, I always get a run-time error…

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Here are the 3 run-time errors I get (depending on what I pick for init):

    The above code (using no init*()'s) gives:

    Unhandled Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: SevenZipJBinding couldn't be initialized automaticly using initialization from platform depended JAR and the default temporary directory. Please, make sure the correct 'sevenzipjbinding-<Platform>.jar' file is in the class path or consider initializing SevenZipJBinding manualy using one of the offered initialization methods: 'net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.SevenZip.init*()'

    Changing it to use initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(strJar) or initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(strDll) also gives a run-time error:

    Unhandled Exception: net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.SevenZipNativeInitializationException: Error loading SevenZipJBinding native library into JVM: error loading property file '/C:\ikvm_generated_7-zip-jbinding\sevenzipjbinding-AllPlatforms.dll/' from a jar-file 'sevenzipjbinding-<Platform>.jar'. Is the platform jar-file not in the class path?

    Changing it to use initLoadedLibraries() also gives a run-time error:

    Unhandled Exception: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: net/sf/sevenzipjbinding/SevenZip.nativeInitSevenZipLibrary()Ljava/lang/String;

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Here's the mail archive link of the replies I got about this from the ikvm-developers mailing list:

    Here's the part from the IKVM developer:

    > As Volker said, you should combine both jars (I used "ikvmc -out:7zip.dll *.jar"), but doing that still doesn't result in something that works. On x64 I get a stack overflow (I didn't look into this) and on x86 it failed because sevenzipjbind uses JNI in a way that isn't supported by IKVM (and what I believe to be in violation of the spec). They use CallIntMethod to call a method  that returns a long. After I added a workaround for that to IKVM (just for testing this), your sample worked (i.e. I could print the number of entries in a RAR).

    So based on that, it sounds like he says to modify 7-zip-jbindings to allegedly match the spec?

  • Boris Brodski

    Boris Brodski - 2010-03-01

    Thanks for this bug report! I will try to find and fix this bug.
    The upcoming version (with archive creation support) has a build-in type check, but not the current released version.

    About your post 10 and 11:

    If you look into sevenzipjbinding-AllPlatforms.jar you will find a couple (one or two) DLLs for each supported platform, but no java code. So it's just resource jar. I don't know, how resources are handled by ikvmc, probably it is 7-ZIp-JBinding's fault, I don't know for sure.

    What you could do to exclude this possible source of errors: you could just extract two DLLs for your Win64 platform and forget about sevenzipjbinding-AllPlatforms.jar. Then you should do:
    1. Call System.load() for first and then second DLL. (Try it in both orders)
    2. Call SevenZip.initLoadedLibraries()

    I think, you need either patched IKVM or patched 7-Zip-JBinding. I will try to fix the bug in 7-Zip-JBinding as soon as possible and then build a test version for Win64 for you. If you find it suitable, I will make a bug-fix release.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    thanks, I will hopefully try out this patch sometime tonight, at least on my Win64 machine.

    Of course my hope is for Windows / Mac OS X / Linux support…  I see that sevenzipjbinding-AllPlatforms.jar is just these 6 libs (x64 / x86 Linux, x64 / x86 Mac OS X, x64 / x86 Windows).

  • Boris Brodski

    Boris Brodski - 2010-03-02

    Yes, I will make a normal 1.04 release for all those platforms, as long all needed changes are done. Do you need a build for Win32 or Mac OS X as well for test purposes?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I am hoping to use sevenzipjbinding-AllPlatforms.jar and sevenzipjbinding.jar (with IKVM), to support Windows, Mac OS X, Linux (both 32-bit and 64-bit).  Will the official 1.04 release be soon?

    I'm now attempting to download the file via…  It keeps timing out, but I'll keep trying.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I still have not been able to download the file from …  It keeps timing out.  Maybe upload to sourceforge, or to somewhere else?  Or, if the 1.04 binary release will be within the next 24 hours, I could just wait for that?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    er, okay, it finally let me download the file from…  Maybe I was just being impatient O:-)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    In post 13, what do you mean System.load()?  There is no C# method System.load()…

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Btw, did you see the IKVM developer referenced (long, int)) ?  Was that the bug you fixed?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is this what you meant?  First, I ran (ikvm.exe sevenzipjbinding.jar) to create sevenzipjbinding.dll.  Then, I referenced sevenzipjbinding.dll in my Visual Studio project as a Reference.  I unzipped sevenzipjbinding-Windows-amd64.jar to get the 2 dll files.  Then I ran with this code:

                java.lang.System.load(strDir + "libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll");
                java.lang.System.load(strDir + "lib7-Zip-JBinding.dll");
                string fileName = @"C:\test.cbr";
       randomAccessFile = new, "r");
                ISevenZipInArchive archive = net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.SevenZip.openInArchive(
                    new net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.impl.RandomAccessFileInStream(randomAccessFile));

    Here is the error I get:

    Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'ikvm-native': The specified module could not be found. (Exception
    from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
       at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Class , File )
       at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Class , String , Boolean )
       at java.lang.Runtime.load0(Class , String )
       at java.lang.System.load(String filename, CallerID )
       at java.lang.System.load(String filename)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    The KVM developer said to compile the 2 jar files as 1 dll file, so I tried that, sevenzip
    jbinding_withNativeLibs.jar.  Then I reference that dll from my Visual Studio project, and ran this code:


    It gives me this error:

    Unhandled Exception: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: net/sf/sevenzipjbinding/SevenZip.nativeInitSevenZipLibrary()Ljava/lang/String;

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I also tried the alternative of adding to the solution the reference to sevenzipjbinding.dll (which only compiles sevenzipjbinding.jar).  Then running this code:

    net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.SevenZip.initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(strDir + "sevenzipjbinding-Windows-amd64.jar");

    This causes this error:

    Unhandled Exception: net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.SevenZipNativeInitializationException: Error loading SevenZipJBinding native library into JVM: error loading property file '/C:\ikvm_generated_7-zip-jbinding\sevenzipjbinding-Windows-amd64.jar/' from a jar-file 'sevenzipjbinding-<Platform>.jar'. Is the platform jar-file not in the class path?

  • Boris Brodski

    Boris Brodski - 2010-03-02

    To 20: java.lang.System.load(<fullpath>) should be the right thing to do. But there are a possibility, that IKVM has some special method to load native library.

    To 21: yes, that was the bug I fixed.

    To 22: As you can see, the IKVM version of java.lang.System.load() can't file the native library. (Are you sure your strDir is correct and ends with a '/'?)

    To 23: That means, that the native library wasn't loaded

    To 24: That means, that resources (properties and dll files) couldn't be found.

    I will try to talk to IKVM people in order to find out, how to load a native library from C#.

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