
ServDoc / News: Recent posts

ServDoc-1.0 ReleaseCandidate 1 is released

Many internal changes, some code cleanup, some new modules
(exim and postgres, more to come) and ServDoc is now easy to
If there aren't any bugs, there won't be many changes to version 1.0

Posted by Ulrich Herbst 2004-02-23

ServDoc is multilingual

ServDoc is now multi-lingual.
For now, just English and German are supported.
I'm looking for volunteers to translate to other languages.

Posted by Ulrich Herbst 2003-12-09

ServDoc-0.9 released

ServDoc-0.9 is out.
Now you can document your whole UNIX (Linux, HP/UX, AIX, Solaris, Mac OS/X)-Server with many applications (bind, apache, sendmail, MQSeries) and databases (Oracle und UDB/DB2) with just a single command. Installation isn't necessary, just copy the Self Extracting Perl Archive anywhere on your server and start it.

Posted by Ulrich Herbst 2003-06-01

MQSeries module added

I wrote a module to describe the objects in a MQSeries Installation. I think the output doesn't look very good, but it is complete.

Posted by Ulrich Herbst 2003-04-17

Bind module added

Today I added a little module for documenting bind servers (DNS)

Posted by Ulrich Herbst 2003-03-13

Oracle Module added

5min ago, I added the actual version of the Oracle database description module.
It will be part of the nightly build in about 6 hours (I think).

With that module, you can document all relevant information (IMHO) from all your oracle instances on your server without any customization! Try it.

Posted by Ulrich Herbst 2003-03-10

Apache Module added

now we document httpd.conf too (and include-files)

Posted by Ulrich Herbst 2003-02-25

ServDoc-0.8 released

There are many improvements since ServDoc-0.7:
- You can ServDoc run without root-rights.
- darwin (Mac OS X) Supported (limited)
- LaTeX output module
- sendmail module
- a lot of minor fixes

Posted by Ulrich Herbst 2003-02-04

ServDoc Mailing lists available

There are 2 ServDoc mailing lists available:
- servdoc-announce: I will write announcements there for new Servdoc releases.
- servdoc-users: We can discuss ServDoc problems there

Look at our Project Homepage ( to join.

Posted by Ulrich Herbst 2003-02-02

Nightly builds and a LaTeX output module

Now we have a LaTeX output module.
Yeah, and you can make pdf from it (if you have latex installed).

Try it with our new "nightly build" downloads at

Posted by Ulrich Herbst 2003-01-30

We support Mac OSX (Darwin)

Thanks to James Whitwell! He ported ServDoc to Mac OSX!

Posted by Ulrich Herbst 2003-01-28

servdoc-0.7 released

We are happy to release our first release of ServDoc.
servdoc-0.7 gives you a nearly complete documentation of your linux-,aix-,hp/ux- and solaris server (hardware and operating system).

Posted by Ulrich Herbst 2003-01-24

ServDoc now supports Linux,AIX,HP/UX and Solaris

Since 2003-01-19 ServDoc supports the 4 big unixes. We're gettling closer and closer to our first official release.

Posted by Ulrich Herbst 2003-01-20

AIX is now supported!

Since today, 14-01-2003, AIX 4.3.2, AIX 4.3.3 and AIX 5.1 are supported by ServDoc
(I think other AIX versions run too, but I haven't tested that)

Posted by Ulrich Herbst 2003-01-14