
Serial IO / News: Recent posts

Gentoo ebuild in sunrise overlay


the gentoo ebuild is now available at sunrise-overlay:

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2009-04-15

Version 1.0 released

Hi, today I finished verison 1.0, see changelog for details.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2009-04-11

SVN repository restructured

Hi, today I restructured the svn repository. Now there are the threee common directories "trunk", "branches" and "tags".

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2009-04-11

Version 0.9.9 released

Hi, today I finished the value checking within a VariableDialog.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2009-04-08

Version 0.9.1 released

Hi, today I uploaded version 0.9.1 of serial-io. I added control and monitoring of modem controll lines. Libserial-0.6.0_rc1 is needed to build this program.

have fun.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2009-03-27

Roadmap to version 1.0

To get a first stable version I will cocentrate on stability and fixing bugs. Till version 1.0 there will be only small feature enhancements. But if you need a feature please report it, I will add it to the list for version beta 1.1.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2008-07-13

Version 0.9 beta released

Hi, today I finished a new feature: Dialogs. A Dialog is a collection of variables of different types, which can be opened and use simultaneous to the commandline and buffers.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2008-07-13

Version 0.8 beta released

Hi, today I added some new features. See changelog for details.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2008-03-21

Version 0.7 beta released

today I uploaded version 0.7 beta.
See changelog for details.

Happy transmitting and receiving =).

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2008-03-12

Version 0.6 beta released

Hi, today I released version 0.6, see changelog for details.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-12-05

Version 0.5.5 beta released

Hi, today I added a few featrues. See changelog for details.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-11-18

Version 0.5 beta released

Hi, today I released version 0.5 beta. See changelog for details.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-11-04

Version 0.4.4 beta released

Hi, today I applied a patch from B. Walle. It fixes the problem that some of the window control buttons does not appear in a few windows managers.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-10-21

Version 0.4.3 beta released


Now the position of all dialogs will be saved,e.g. interessting for dual head setups. Besides selecting of stopbits is possible.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-10-08

Version 0.4.2 beta released

Hi, today I added a new feature. You can choose to auotmaticaly select the last transmitted or received values.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-09-30

openSUSE packages available

Bernhard Walle from creates packages for openSUSE:

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-09-26

Version 0.4.1 beta released

Hi, due to some user feedback I added a new menu to hide some gui elements. It is possible to save the rx/tx buffer. Have fun =).

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-07-24

Version 0.4 beta released

Hi, today I added a lot of new feature. See changelog for details.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-07-24

Version 0.3.2 beta released

Hi, fixed a bug in edit event/buffer.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-07-18

Version 0.3.1 beta released

Hi, today I added a dialog to initialize a buffer. There is also a limit (0..255) on value table in event dialog, wrong values outside the range will be highlighted.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-07-10

Wiki added

Hi, today I activated the wiki. If you are interested in adding content feel free to become a member =).

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-07-09

Gentoo Ebuilds

Hi, today I added an Gentoo ebuild for serial-io.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-07-05

Version 0.3 beta released

Hi, today I finished saving and loading of buffers/events as XML (.sio) file. Have fun.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-07-05

Version 0.2.1 Beta released

Today I fixed some bugs in the last version. See change log for details.

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-07-03

Version 0.2 Beta released

Hi, today I finished sending of buffers and highlighting of received byte sequences (events).

Posted by Wilfried Holzke 2007-06-17