
SEO Filter / News: Recent posts

SEO Filter 1.2.3 has been released

A New Version of SEO Filter ( has Recently been Released.

SEO Filter is Web Based Search Engine Optimization Software Which Converts Dynamic Links into Static Ones to Improve Search Engine Rankings.

It Also Prevents from Page Rank Leak, Reduces SPAM By Protecting HTML Forms and Email Addresses, Automatic Generation of Meta Keywords and Much More …

Posted by Svetoslav Marinov 2009-05-04

SEO Filter 1.2.2 has been released

SEO Filter is a Search Engine Optimization Software for forums and Content Management Systems.
We are happy to announce the release of SEO Filter 1.2.2.

Here is the changelog.

- Added the universal redirect plugin
- Updated User Manual
- Updated .htaccess mod rewrite rules
- Added a sample htaccess file in tools/htacces.sample.txt

Posted by Svetoslav Marinov 2009-04-20

SEO Filter 1.2.1 has been released

What is SEO Filter ?

SEO Filter is a flexible and extensible Search Engine Optimization Software for
forums and content management systems licensed under a dual license GPL and a commercial one.

The new release brings fixes and introduces the modules.

Please go to for more information.

Posted by Svetoslav Marinov 2009-04-15

SEO Filter 1.1.0 has been released

We are happy to announce the release of SEO Filter 1.1.0 which includes phpbb3 module and minor bug fixes.

Posted by Svetoslav Marinov 2008-07-28

SEO Filter 1.0.0 has been released

We are pleased to announce the publication of first official release of SEO Filter as open source.
Feel free to send bug reports, comments, and feature requests.

Posted by Svetoslav Marinov 2008-05-12