
SeMMiX / News: Recent posts

SeMMix is moving...

For several reasons that i won't explain here, the SeMMiX project is leaving You can now find its homepage at .

Thanks to SourceForge for hosting the project until then.

And to conclude this last news on sourceforge, SeMMiX 0.1 will be released very soon (On, of course).

Posted by Raphaël BOIS 2009-08-21

SeMMiX development restarts

After about 2 years of inactivity, SeMMiX comes back with a completely redesigned code. Though its first goal remains the same (i.e. providing a GTK+ client for XMMS2), it intends to be easily extendable to other servers (MPD for example) through a plugin system (sid).
Though no release is to be expected before a few months, a GIT repository will be available soon.

Posted by Raphaël BOIS 2008-09-27

A new pre-alpha release is coming soon

The project was suffering from an architecture problem which leaded to hardly codable features. Thus, the architecture is being redesigned to offer more flexibility for features implementation.
The implementation has been running fast for a few days, adn a new pre-alpha release should come soon (probably in a couple of weeks).

Posted by Raphaël BOIS 2006-09-10