
migration + upgrade?

  • Jena Plinsky

    Jena Plinsky - 2015-08-06

    Hello! I had to move the dms system. My version is 4.3.0
    My backup was: database, installation directory (/var/www/seeddms) and the data directory (/opt/seeddms/data etc)
    Even if I run install.php at the end I have "database update needed"
    If I run update.php the scripts says that the "Database schema already up to date."
    I'm stuck here.
    Also is it the case to upgrade to latest version?
    Thank you.

  • Uwe Steinmann

    Uwe Steinmann - 2015-08-07

    If your database is for version 4.3.x it should work with any 4.3.x version of the software. They are never database changes within the subminor version number. To be sure what version your database is, do a select on the table tblVersion. If it is 4.3.0 that it is sufficient to just replace the software with the latest version. Just make sure to keep your settings.xml file.

  • Jena Plinsky

    Jena Plinsky - 2015-08-07

    Thank you mr. Uwe for your kind reply. Yes, my database is 4.3.x and I'm checking and doing what you say.

    SeedDMS Installation for version 4.3.14
    Your current database schema has version 4.3.0. Please run all (if any)
    of the update scripts below in the listed order.

    The installation has been successfully completed.

    But the end pointing on the browser I receive always "database update needed". I'm not sure what to do...

    • Srini

      Srini - 2016-07-17


      This may be late .. but I faced exactly the same issue. The problem was the settings.xml was not written into by the upgrade script. So although you save the settings.xml was still poiting to the earlier installation folder of SeedDMS inside /var/www. I updated this to the right folder and the error went away and SeedDMS was back online.

      Hope this helps


  • Jena Plinsky

    Jena Plinsky - 2015-11-09

    Hello again,
    no way to restore my seeddms installation...

    any chance to rename automatically the files so that I can get rid of seeddms and start again without losing folders and files?

    Thank you for cooperation...

  • Jena Plinsky

    Jena Plinsky - 2015-11-15

    I finally abandoned seeddms - what a shame!
    Thank you for your support.

  • Uwe Steinmann

    Uwe Steinmann - 2015-11-15

    Maybe you come back some time. I still cannot reproduce the problem you encountered.

  • Jena Plinsky

    Jena Plinsky - 2015-11-15

    I'll sure come back - I'm still thinking seeddms is a very good software, and I will use it again. Unfortunately I'm not so advanced to solve the problem I had with the migration. Now I'm making a backup of my data, renaming it manually - data are safe - in few hours everything will be restored :)

  • Antonio Candido

    Antonio Candido - 2016-01-24

    Hi Uwe,

    I have installed and running version SeedDMS, 4.3.17. I can see that version available.
    Can I migrate to the new version without loosing all data in current version, or will I need to restore the DB Dump and archive dump?

    By the way, there is a 5.0 version in the SourceForge. Should I wait a few days for the new version?

    Thank you very much for this excellent tool.


  • Uwe Steinmann

    Uwe Steinmann - 2016-01-25

    Updates within the last version number (4.3.x) can be done by simply replacing the software without touching the database. You either make a fresh install from the seeddms-quickstart archive and copy over your settings.xml and data directory or unpack the seddms-quickstart somewhere and copy the pear and seeddms-4.3.23 over into your existing installation. Just save your settings.xml before and restore it later because the seeddms-quickstart archive has one as well. Don't forget to adjust the link 'www' to point to seeddms-4.3.23

    There is currently not need to switch to 5.0.0, if you are happy with 4.3.x. I will support the 4.3.x for at least another year.

    • Antonio Candido

      Antonio Candido - 2016-01-25

      Thank you for your feedback and help.
      I will stay in 4.3.x.
      Meanwhile I will look at the new stuff in the 5.0
      The workflow management and user management improvements is where I am looking for some news.
      It would be appreciated to have users defined at project level (eg. grouped by a group). For example, at the University I have the students from each year and after a couple of years I have a big list of users.

      SeedDMS is a great tool. Thank you for your support.


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