
Base never loads after some days

  • Bijayant Kumar

    Bijayant Kumar - 2008-10-27

    Hi to all,

    I am a new bie so please bear with me. I have searched this forum for my problem but did not find the answer. Please help me.

    OS - Gentoo
    Snort -
    Base - 1.3.8
    PHP- 5.2.1-r3
    Adodb - 5.02
    Database - Mysql/Postgresql

    Snort is logging alerts to the database mysql without any problem. I do have a sensor added in sensor table.

    select * from sensor;
    sid |   hostname    | interface | filter | detail | encoding | last_cid
       1 | | eth2      |        |      1 |        0 |   314916
    (1 row)

    I have installed BASE without any problem. It shows alerts without any problem when data are less in database. After 2 to 3 days BASE does not loads, its keeps rotating and only shows:-

    Basic Analysis and Security Engine (BASE)

    - Today's alerts:     unique     listing     Source IP     Destination IP
    - Last 24 Hours alerts:     unique     listing     Source IP     Destination IP
    - Last 72 Hours alerts:     unique     listing     Source IP     Destination IP
    - Most recent 15 Alerts:     any protocol     TCP     UDP     ICMP
    - Last Source Ports:     any protocol     TCP     UDP
    - Last Destination Ports:     any protocol     TCP     UDP
    - Most Frequent Source Ports:     any protocol     TCP     UDP
    - Most Frequent Destination Ports:     any protocol     TCP     UDP
    - Most frequent 15 Addresses:     Source     Destination
    - Most recent 15 Unique Alerts
    - Most frequent 5 Unique Alerts

    My question is what should i do in order to load the BASE to show alerts logged in database.

    • Kevin Johnson

      Kevin Johnson - 2008-10-27


      First, I would recommend that you upgrade to the latest version.  1.3.8 has a number of bugs that have been fixed.

      If that does not fix you issue, please send any error messages that appear in your HTTP server logs.



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