Anonymous - 2009-10-13

I have an odd problem. I had BASE working fine for me for ages, but since moving my box to a different set up, I now can only access the BASE login page and the admin page, I can't access the main BASE page.

I am running BASE on a box running snort-inline. The box has three ethernet ports, two of which have no IP address assigned, and are bridged, which snort-inline runs on. The third ethernet port has a static IP address assigned and is attached to a different switch on the same network.

I use to be able to login and access all the BASE pages no problem, but now I can only access the login page and the admin page. The main BASE pages just time out eventually (after like 4 minutes). I have upgraded to the most recent version of BASE and I still have the same problem. The install/configure worked fine, but I then couldn't access the main BASE page after the final configure stage.

I have enabled debug mode in base_config.php but I can't see any logs anywhere. Apache2 logs dont' show anything of interest and of course syslog shows nothing. I also can no longer SSH into the box via the static IP address.

Does anyone have any ideas how to troubleshoot this? I am wondering if snort-inline is messing up the connection, even though it is running on a different switch from the third static IP ethernet port, they are both on the same subnet…..