
#41 Freezing when unable to access web address (Windows 10)

v1.0 (example)
Mark Pruett

If I open Safe Exam Browser and it cannot access the web page it is configured to access, it will freeze. I've tried opening up task manager and killing the process, but then I'm left with a black screen and cannot access the Windows taskbar. I'm using Windows 10.


  • Daniel Schneider

    Which version of SEB were you using?

    How did you start SEB, by double clicking its shortcut or by opening a .seb configuration file?

    What does it mean "it cannot access the web page it is configured to access"? Please specify clearer. Was the address wrong? Was there no internet connection? Was it an issue with the internet connection?

    Usually the SEB browser shows an error when it cannot connect to the web page configured as Start URL. If it didn't show nothing, what was happening on the screen, was the blue background displayed with the round progress indicator and did that one suddenly stop? Or was the browser already showing a white background?

    Even if the SEB browser would "freeze", exiting SEB by pressing Ctrl-Q (or the quit button in the SEB task bar, if enabled) should still work. Did you try that?

    Further, the Task Manager should not be available while SEB is running (if you didn't change the setting in Registry / Enable Start Task Manager). If it was available, this seems to be a bug. Maybe SEB didn't freeze because it couldn't access the web page but for another reason. We would need the log file to find out more, it can be found at:

    usually: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SafeExamBrowser\SebClient.log

    The latest release SEB 2.1 is not yet officially compatible with Windows 10. There are some issues, mainly the long delay which occurs when starting SEB on Windows 10, see at "Known Issues".

    We don't recommend using SEB with Windows 10 yet. We will soon release a compatible version SEB 2.1.1.

  • Mark Pruett

    Mark Pruett - 2015-09-18

    I'm using SEB 2.1. I just tried with a fresh config file and this time it just took a long time (as you've already mentioned happens with Windows 10), but then it gave me an error that it couldn't find the address. I was able to exit the program normally. I was starting SEB by launching it via the config program. I had enabled the task manager previously to try to remedy the problem. I was connected to the internet, but I had the address set incorrectly.

    I don't seem to be having this problem anymore. If it happens again I'll let you know. Also, do you have an ETA on the 2.1.1 release? I'm willing to beta/alpha test it for you.

    • Daniel Schneider

      I can tell you more next Tuesday, most bugfixes in SEB 2.1.1 are already finished and it seems to be working well with Windows 10 (the delay when starting up is definitely fixed). I can then send you the link to a beta version.

  • Daniel Schneider

    • status: open --> closed-fixed