

Ove Kåven


The ScumStopper RPM packages are currently available from OpenRepos.

Files used

Additional blacklists can be installed by placing one or more .txt files into ~/.config/harbour-scumstopper/. There should be one telephone number per line, optionally followed by a space and a name.

The UI allows the user to change the lists named "blacklist.txt" and "whitelist.txt". Lists from online sources should use other names, to avoid conflicts.

The last 100 calls are stored in ~/.cache/harbour-scumstopper/harbour-scumstopper/call.log.

Online lookups

ScumStopper can now look up phone numbers online, if configured appropriately. To take advantage of this feature, follow these instructions.

Daemon mode

Jolla Harbour, as a rule, does not permit apps to install daemons. However, if enough users vouch for the app, they can grant exceptions.

Therefore, if you want ScumStopper to start on boot, and not need to have an app window open, you must currently enable developer mode and follow these instructions. (If Jolla grants an exception, the package itself can do this.)

How ScumStopper works

ScumStopper works by registering itself as a Telepathy observer. Observers are the first to see a new channel, followed by approvers, and finally handlers. If ScumStopper observes that a blacklisted channel is being opened, it disconnects and claims it before the phone UI (the Telepathy handler) gets it. (If you run the app from the terminal, the debug output may show that claiming fails. This is OK, as even a failed claim will convince Telepathy to not give the channel to the phone UI.)

In theory, both telephony and VoIP calls can be blocked. However, so far only telephony calls are supported.

SMS blocking is currently not possible because Sailfish's "commhistory" daemon (which receives SMSes and alerts the user about them, among other things) installs itself as a Telepathy observer instead of an approver or handler, thus making it impossible to override through the Telepathy API. (This is also why blocked voice calls will still appear in your list of recent calls.)

Project Members:


Wiki: DaemonMode
Wiki: OnlineLookup