
#6917 SHERLOCK: No music outside Baker Street office at end of intro


After the intro has ended (either on its own or by pressing Escape), Watson is standing outside the Baker Street office. There's supposed to be music playing (there is in DOSBox), but there isn't. I haven't had the time to investigate further.


  • Torbjörn Andersson

    To clarify something I didn't realize until now, in DOSBox I get music outside the Baker Street office if I skip the intro, but not if I let it run all the way through. (A bug in the original, perhaps?)

    In ScummVM it tries to load and play "res01" if I skip the intro, and "default" if I let it run in its entirety. Since there is a song called "res01", I'll see if I can figure out why I don't hear it.

  • Torbjörn Andersson

    The "res01" song is just a few hundred bytes, and most of that is instrument names, so I don't think there is any music in it to play. I think what it should be playing is "01cue90" which, if I read the music.xls document embedded in music.lib correctly, is what's supposed to play when Watson enters that room alone.

  • Torbjörn Andersson

    I just realized there is a default.xmi as well, but like res01.xmi it's also just a few hundred bytes.

  • Paul Gilbert

    Paul Gilbert - 2015-10-17

    Thanks for the details. Based on that, I've found the script call where it incorrect set the music to default, and added a workaround to set the correct music filename.

  • Paul Gilbert

    Paul Gilbert - 2015-10-17
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: Paul Gilbert