
#6525 AGOS: FF - Loyalty Rating never changes in 4 CD version

The Feeble Files

When I played through the English 4 CD version (quite a while ago), one thing I noticed was that although my criminal record grew my Loyalty Rating stayed "Extremely Trustworthy" throughout the game.

Using Ctrl+S to dump the subroutines (note to anyone who wants to test this: it's hundreds of thousands of lines, so redirect the output to a file), you can see that in both versions it calls "IS_EQ [120]" to test your loyalty rating.

In the 2 CD version, I see that variable 120 appears to be set a certain points in the game. I think they correspond to:

1 - Vandalizing company property (so that you can go confess).
2 - Confessing.
3 - Going down the tube before being shipped off to Cygnus Alpha.
4 - Escaping from Cygnus Alpha.
5 - Being captured by the natives and brought before their god.
6 - Arriving at the rebel planet.

In the 4 CD version, the script lines that set the variable appear to be just plain missing.

I guess it should be fairly easy to have ScummVM set the variable. In most cases, one possible trigger would be the playing of a certain cutscene movie. In some, you'll have to tie it to something else. I may look into this later myself, but right now I don't have the time.


  • digitall

    digitall - 2014-02-10
    • summary: FF: Loyalty Rating never changes in 4 CD version --> AGOS: FF - Loyalty Rating never changes in 4 CD version
  • Torbjörn Andersson

    This has been fixed in the English 4CD version. It's currently unknown if other versions were also affected. If they were, the fix will have to be enabled (and possibly adjusted) for them as well.

  • Torbjörn Andersson

    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • assigned_to: Torbjörn Andersson