
#6033 SCUMM: The Dig (Spanish) Crash at Waterfall

The Dig

I was playing The Dig on a android 4 tablet (an ASUS Transformer TF101), and moved on to the PC thinking that the tablet version "could be" more buggeable. It happens the same thing in both platforms PC, and Android 4.
Language : Spanish version of The Dig. It is a copy of the original CD. No downloaded version from anywhere.

Sympton : Very easy. After the girl has been taken from the monster to the Web, and talking to Brinks to be the decoy, I should go to a waterfall and push a rock. Entering in that area produces SCUMMVM to overflow, or crash. Can attach screenshot and savegame.


  • d0kt0r

    d0kt0r - 2012-05-11

    Screenshot exacly when it crashes

  • d0kt0r

    d0kt0r - 2012-05-11


  • digitall

    digitall - 2012-05-11
    • summary: The dig crashes --> SCUMM: The Dig (Spanish) Crash at Waterfall
  • digitall

    digitall - 2012-05-12

    d0kt0r: Thank you for the bug report. However, in order to progress this bug report, we will need the following:
    1. Please report the version of ScummVM you are using i.e. is it stable v1.4.1 ?
    2. If so, please download the latest daily build and see if this is still occuring with your savegame on Android and Win32?
    3. Please attach a text file to this bug containing a file listing of your "The Dig" (Spanish) datafiles with file MD5sums. The output of a tool such as would be optimal.
    This will allow us to identify your exact version and eliminate the possibility of corrupt datafiles causing this.
    4. With the latest daily build on desktop, start from a new game and see if you can replicate the bug from a new game i.e. that this is not due to corruption of savegame state.

  • d0kt0r

    d0kt0r - 2012-05-12

    Version : 1.4.1 on PC, and 1.3.2/1.4.0 on tablet.
    The version I've tried on the Tablet was the 1.3.2 and had the same bug (I have installed the 1.4.0 to see if I could finish The dig ... to do so, I have done the game like 3 times -_-), so, I think this has been around for some time. I always downloaded the version from your web.
    I have attached a copy of the md5 on the files section of my The Dig game.
    By the way, it is not "sometimes" happens, it happens here all the time. I have been "digging" on the forums if there is somekind of workaround, or someone else had the problem, but i have just found that the dig should be finishable now -_-
    If you need more info, Im here.

  • d0kt0r

    d0kt0r - 2012-05-12

    MD5 of my The Dig game folder

  • d0kt0r

    d0kt0r - 2012-05-12

    Sorry to create another post.
    I have just found on a readme, the version of my Dig,

    Dig 1.00


  • digitall

    digitall - 2012-05-12

    Thank you for the information which answers points 1 and 3 fully.

    I should be clear here that I am only providing bug triage, to cover basic points prior to a SCUMM engine developer getting time to look at this. As I only have "The Dig" CD/DOS/English, I can't investigate the Spanish version in detail.

    I would ignore the README as that was not updated in any meaningful way.

  • digitall

    digitall - 2012-05-12

    d0kt0r: Two final TODOs for you:
    1. PC is not a clear statement of your desktop OS. From the screenshot, it appears to be either Windows Vista or Windows 7? Please confirm which and whether you are using the 32 bit or 64 bit build?
    2. Please download the latest daily build for Win32 from here:

    And from a new game state, play through to the same point _WITHOUT_ using any previous savegame.

    Report if the bug still occurs.
    (This will probably happen, but there have been a large number of fixes to the SCUMM engine since v1.4.1 release was made and this may already be fixed in the current development builds)

  • Willem Jan Palenstijn

    Is there anything in scummvm's log? It should be in AppData/Roaming/ScummVM/Logs/scummvm.log in Windows, if I remember correctly.

  • d0kt0r

    d0kt0r - 2012-05-12


  • d0kt0r

    d0kt0r - 2012-05-12

    wjpalenstijin : Uploaded SCUMMVM Logfile.
    There is something in there, maybe it is useful : SDL_BlitSurface failed: Surfaces must not be locked during blit!
    tdhs :
    1) My OS is a Win 7 Ultimate SP1 x64 with patches up to date. The version Im using is the :
    ( I have downloaded yesterday exclusively to play The dig ).

    On your second point, I started yesterday a fresh new game on 1.4.1 from start.
    But, i am running now a older savegame (more or less 15 mins older than the waterfall fall), and without running these savegames on the waterfall or the web, it happens the same.

    If you need more info, let me know.

  • digitall

    digitall - 2012-05-12

    OK... But to be _clear_ again:

    2. Please download the latest DEVELOPMENT DAILY build for Win32 from here:

    And from a new game state, play through to the same point _WITHOUT_ using
    any previous savegame.

    Report if the bug still occurs.
    (This will probably happen, but there have been a large number of fixes to
    the SCUMM engine since v1.4.1 release was made and this may already be
    fixed in the current development builds)

  • digitall

    digitall - 2012-05-12

    Also, this may be due to your datafiles being a corrupted copy from the CD-ROM or they are a relatively rare variant.

    Could you also:
    1. Try recopying your datafiles from the CD-ROM media and see if they match the current files.
    2. Can you provide a description of your CD-ROM media/version? i.e. Publisher, Pressing ID (This is the sequence of numbers written around the centre ring of the CD-ROM)

  • d0kt0r

    d0kt0r - 2012-05-12

    Hi tdhs,
    1. I can answer the part of the CD-ROM. The copy I have, it is not an original copy. This is my "copy" from 95', but it was copied from the original spanish The Dig (on that time, I had 14 years, not enough money to buy games). The files could be corrupted? Maybe, but don't think so. Unfortunately, I can't tell you that it is a rare copy of the game.
    2. I have downloaded the latest development daily build for Win32, and happens the same.
    3. For the new game state part, I will need some time, as it should take me like 1h to get there from scratch (even if I use the ESC key).
    4. I can understand that this is not happening on the ENG version, so, I think I will try to look for other versions of The Dig, and see if i can workaroung the bug part.

  • digitall

    digitall - 2012-05-12

    Sigh. Don't bother to do any more work on this.

    The project has a zero tolerance for anyone using illegimate game copies, which includes dodgy CD-R copies. See:

    Even ignoring the legal/ethical aspects, these copies often have corrupted datafiles resulting in invalid bugs, which is almost certainly the case here. The MD5sums for the files you provided have been checked and do not match the known Spanish version.

    Since CD-Rs have a lifespan of around 10 years, and especially circa 1995 v1.0 Azo stored at high temperatures are very unstable, it is probable the CD is corrupted...

    tl;dr : Buy a legal Spanish copy. A quick Ebay search shows at least 3 copies for sale at fairly reasonable prices.

  • digitall

    digitall - 2012-05-12
    • status: open --> closed-invalid