
#5905 Toonstruck - Wii port - Can't use "examine" on Flux


Hello, i have a bug to report about Toonstruck on Wii port (as of latest stable build 1.3.1.)
The wii remote do not have any way to "examine" things within the game. No button has this function assigned.


  • - 2011-11-25
    • summary: Wii port - No "examine" button. --> Toonstruck - Wii port - No "examine" button.
  • digitall

    digitall - 2011-11-25

    koima57: The examine function in Toonstruck is performed on a desktop build by placing the mouse cursor over a item and clicking the right mouse button.
    Looking at the Wii backend code, this should be mapped to the B button (as the A button is the Left Click).

    Please could you confirm that this is not working for you with v1.3.1?

    Also, we hope to have a v1.4.0 build for Wii available at some point soon. When this becomes available, if you could please test with this.

  • - 2011-11-26

    Hi, after further testing the B button indeed examine objects!

    Sorry, i tried only for a few minutes at first the B button to examine my purple in-game friend and this does not work somehow, misleading me for the rest of objects.

    So there is a bug to report, but minor : It can't examine the purple little guy withthe main character or so it seem (and no full screen display but i saw another report about it..)

    Thanks for your time and sorry for the mistake, glad it is just a minor bug anyhow. Keep up this great project! :)

  • - 2011-11-26
    • summary: Toonstruck - Wii port - No "examine" button. --> Toonstruck - Wii port - Can't use "examine" on Flux
  • digitall

    digitall - 2011-11-26

    I have tested again on a desktop build.

    To examine flux, you need to be over him with the "Open Hand" cursor and hit the right click (B) button.

    If the cursor is a "Flux Head" cursor i.e. you have left clicked on Flux to use him, then right clicking deselects him (returning the cursor to "Open Hand"), rather than examine, so appears to "do nothing".

    Please can you confirm whether you still see an issue?

  • - 2011-11-26

    Hi, i have tried with 1.4.0 build on my PC Windows and my PSP and it works just fine..

    Wii 1.3.1 however it can't examine Flux with the B button (not touching A) so it is definitely a minor bug to fix. Some other user could try and confirm hopefully.

    As for the Fullscreen display on the same port it doesn't seem to launch either.

    Besides those two issues i don't see anything wrong with any of my other games so far. Good luck fixing those and you always have my full support guys!

  • digitall

    digitall - 2011-12-06
    • assigned_to: nobody --> dhewg
  • digitall

    digitall - 2011-12-06

    dhewg: Do you have a copy of Toonstruck? Any ideas?

    koima57: Could you confirm that this can be replicated with the demo from ?

  • - 2011-12-06

    Hi i have tried with the demo version (german) from your link.

    On my PC the right click (normally B button for Wiimote) on Flux result in C.Lloyd saying "Mein Kumpel Flux" on whichever screen i tried it.

    On my Wii console, he says different sentences given the screen B button is used on Flux, but never "Mein Kumpel Flux".

    For the record i have the french version, i did not go far in the game but on the few screens i tried B button on flux it had no effect hum.. Weird bug!

  • digitall

    digitall - 2011-12-23
    • assigned_to: dhewg --> sylvaintv
  • digitall

    digitall - 2011-12-23

    koima57: Thanks for the further info.

    Reassigning this to the Toonstruck engine team as this sounds like an engine bug which manifests only on BE platforms such as the Wii and not LE platforms such as x86/PSP.

  • digitall

    digitall - 2011-12-23

    koima57: After some investigation with SylvainTV, we have concluded that this was likely fixed by the following commit:
    2011-10-07 00:10:51

    TOON: Fix Flux jumpy animation when imprisoned

    Idle animation was reset every frame when changing facing point.
    Fix also Drew description when right-clicking on Flux

    This was fixed between v1.3.0 and v1.4.0, so as I said in my first message:
    "We hope to have a v1.4.0 build for Wii available at some point soon.
    When this becomes available, if you could please test with this."

    Reassigning back to the Wii team...

  • digitall

    digitall - 2011-12-23
    • assigned_to: sylvaintv --> dhewg
  • digitall

    digitall - 2011-12-23

    koima57: Until v1.4.0 is released, you could try manually installing a nightly development snapshot build from:

  • digitall

    digitall - 2012-01-11

    Setting bug to pending.

    Unless the submitter responds within 14 days to indicate that the bug is still occuring with v1.5.0 nightly builds, this bug will be automatically closed.

  • digitall

    digitall - 2012-01-11
    • status: open --> pending-out-of-date
  • Filippos Karapetis

    • status: pending-out-of-date --> closed-out-of-date
  • Filippos Karapetis

    Changing status from "Pending" to "Closed" (for some reason this wasn't done automatically - odd)