
#5857 NIPPON: no sound in dos version

Nippon Safes

no sound in Multi-linguage DOS version.

tested from ScummVM 0.11.1 > ScummVM 1.4.0git2532-gb4e6962

console: WARNING: unknown character '' in DosSoundMan_ns_ns::playCharacterMusic!


  • WindlePoons

    WindlePoons - 2011-10-01

    md5 checksums Multi-language DOS

  • Filippos Karapetis

    Sound is working fine for me, at least in rooms that do have sound. Can you give more details regarding the OS you're using? What are your sound settings in ScummVM? Which room are you in that has no sound? (not all rooms in Nippon Safes have music, some are completely silent)

  • WindlePoons

    WindlePoons - 2011-10-02

    With DOSBox when start nippon and select language then "peep" & permantenly background sounds.
    here a youtube video for example:
    I tested all Audio settings in Scummvm but not sound/music in nippon.

    OS:aptosid 64-bit (Debian unstable)

  • Filippos Karapetis

    Just tried this again, and music plays fine, both with General MIDI and Adlib music settings in ScummVM.

    Try starting the game with Dough Nuts (smart). The first scene is outside the prison, where you need to go to the payphone and call a taxi. Is music working for you in these scenes? If not, try adjusting the music volume and make sure you haven't muted the sound. The music file for these scenes is "nuts.mid" - try recopying it from the original game files

  • Filippos Karapetis

    • status: open --> pending
  • Filippos Karapetis

    This tracker item is pending response by the submitter; we
    cannot continue processing it before that happens. As a
    consequence, its status has been set to "Pending". It will
    automatically revert to "Open" once a new comment is made to
    this item. If no response is made within 14 days, it will
    automatically be closed.

    Thank you.

  • Filippos Karapetis

    Despite requesting a status update, no further information
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    As a consequence, I am now closing this item as "Out of
    Date". Should you feel that this is not justified, feel free
    to re-open it while providing a status update at the same
    time, so that we can properly re-evaluate it.

    Thank you.

  • Filippos Karapetis

    • assigned_to: nobody --> thebluegr
    • status: pending --> closed-works-for-me