
#3847 WOODRUFF: All in-game animations skip

GOB: Woodruff
Graphics (902)

ScummVM 0.13.0svn (Aug 3 2008 17:43:51)
Features compiled in: Vorbis FLAC MP3 zLib MPEG2

This is an overall behaviour, starting right at the
beginning of the game, going all through it.

No saves or screenies as it affects EVERY in-game

Whenever an animation starts the "frame" the animation
is played in (i.e. the "virtual box" of a door
Woodruff is going to enter is redrawn (obviously to
start the animation) hence the rest of the screen is
not leading to a "flicker" effect of this "virtual
box". As said this affects EVERY single in-game

As an add-on (but i don't know if this is intended or
even in the original engine) whatever Woodruff does if
he does it before an animation takes place he STOPS
for a second and THEN performs the action.

Worst case scenario is when he should walk from one
screen to another, he walks to the spot where he
should leave the screen, stops, stands for a second
(or so) and only then enters to reach the next screen.

As mentioned, i never played the game with the
original engine, thus it may be intended, anyways it
sucks :-)

The Bizarre Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble (GB/CD)

gcc version 4.0.2 (AmigaOS build 20051012)


  • Sven Hesse

    Sven Hesse - 2008-08-03
    • priority: 5 --> 3
    • assigned_to: nobody --> drmccoy
  • Sven Hesse

    Sven Hesse - 2008-08-03

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I don't think I quite get what you mean there... I don't suppose you could record that somehow?

    The second bug is "normal", I'm afraid.

  • Max Horn

    Max Horn - 2008-08-29

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    raziel_, both DrMcCoy and me don't quite understand what the issue here is. In particular, I don't understand the "Whenever an animation ..." paragraph at all. Could you please elaborate? Else we hardly can do any work on this... :(.

    Setting this tracker item to "pending response by submitter".

    I think I also do recall the "second bug" from the original under DOS, so based on that (admittedly rough!) memory, I have to agree with DrMcCoy. Maybe one can create a hack to workaround this issue, but I don't know a bit about the engine, so I can't say, and it might not be worth the hassle either.

  • Max Horn

    Max Horn - 2008-08-29
    • status: open --> pending
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2008-08-30

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Unfortunately not, i could record it with a cell phone
    wouldn't have a possibility to upload it anywhere though
    (no capable software for cell phones on my system)

    Unless one of the devs (preferrable DocMcCoy) wanna get
    the recorded video on his (if available) cell phone?

    I "may" get the possibility to upload it, but that will take
    time as i first have to look for a suitable computer to do

    Sorry if i can't be of any mor help, but maybe this more
    detailed description will help?

    It looks like there is a palette change going on, say, the
    in game scene (character about to do something) is done in
    a slightly different palette (see also the palette issues
    in the SAGA -IHNM- engine) leading to a slightly changed
    palette within the part the scene will take place.

    However there seems to be also a redraw (maybe more one
    after another?) done for the part where the scene takes
    place leading to a "flicker", which means the original
    scene (e.g. the part where ego is standing) with original
    palette is replaced by a "black box" (the size of the
    animation that will take place) and then replaced by the
    changed scene (the animation, e.g. ego picking something up)
    with changed palette.

    I hope this makes it a little clearer?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2008-08-30
    • status: pending --> open
  • Sven Hesse

    Sven Hesse - 2008-09-01

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I have no cell phone, but I could ask my flat mate or another friend to receive it (as an MMS, I take it?), if that's okay with you.

    There is frequent palette changing going on when a VMD video is played for some action. I don't really see how that could result in flickering, though. Apart from the "usual" and known one frame flickering of Woodruff (he's sometimes not drawn for one frame when a video replaces his object sprite), that is.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2008-09-03

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Thats exactly what i meant, sorry for the bad description on
    my first report. Yes, ego is erased for one frame when the
    video starts. (althought it doesn't happen "sometimes" here
    but for every video)

    Sorry, must have missed the bug report to this one and/or
    the wiki entry.

  • Sven Hesse

    Sven Hesse - 2008-09-04

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Believe me, it does _not_ happen for every video. More than you think is done with separate videos in Woodruff ;)

    Anyway, closing it then, as it is a know bug. Unfortunately one for which no easy workaround exists, if any at all. :/

  • Sven Hesse

    Sven Hesse - 2008-09-04
    • status: open --> closed
  • Eugene Sandulenko

    • status: closed --> closed-wont-fix