
Scriptorium / News: Recent posts

Scriptorium code library 1.6 released

Scriptorium is a web-based code library that helps you reuse code you've already written by organizing it in one place, regardless of language.

New in version 1.6 are localization support (French and Dutch language translations so far), the ability to attach comments to your snippets, and a new syntax highlighting engine. Plus the usual smattering of interface improvements and bug fixes.

Posted by Anonymous 2005-11-04

Scriptorium code library 1.41 released

This is a minor release that addresses a problem with non-admin users being given the ability to manage users.

Posted by Anonymous 2004-07-11

Scriptorium code library 1.41 released

This is a minor release that addresses a problem with non-admin users being given the ability to manage users.

Posted by Anonymous 2004-07-11

Scriptorium code library 1.4 released

Scriptorium is a web-based code library that helps you reuse code you've already written by organizing it in one place, regardless of language.

This release features a completely revamped interface based on a design submitted by Joao Gomes. Other features include email notifications when scripts are added to an environment or category; the ability to store uploaded files outside the application root, and stronger error handling. Scriptorium will now give you a (hopefully) helpful error message whenever it finds something not quite right with your configuration.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2004-06-02

Scriptorium code library version 1.3 released

This bugfix release corrects several problems with adding and renaming cateogires, types, and environments. Also, you can now filter your searches by environment and script type, and search keywords are hilighted on the search results page. No database revisions have been made.

Posted by Anonymous 2003-09-15

Scriptorium code library version 1.2 released

Scriptorium is a PHP/MySQL application for developers who program in several languages and need a single place to store frequently used code snippets.

New features in this release include PDF export, the use of webcpp as the syntax hilighting engine, and an improved interface. When adding code, you can now specify whether it should be displayed with line numbers, and you can switch among any of the color scheme themes provided by webcpp.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2003-08-04