
#1 documentation improvement needed

v1.0 (example)

I read the readme.
1. list all the possible protocol settings that are acceptable. for instance, is "scp" an acceptable protocol, I hope?
2. define what "Caption1" and "Caption2" is. are they user definable, or are they fixed?
3. "the passwords will be encrypted after the first call". did you know that if you use encryption/password obfuscation beyond 64 bits you have to get permission from the department of commerce, and that the only possible exception to the rule is software that had already been released as open source? also, what is the name of the paramater? (you did not list it)
4. are there any other parameters you did not document in the readme that a person can set? what are the possible values, if any?

you do not say anywhere in your docs exactly what what kind of syncing is performed, and what directions are supported, or exactly how it works.
For instance,
- does it look for and copy only the newest or missing files in either direction?
- can I set things up to copy in only one direction (I don't want my precious source tree to be mangled)?
- does it do trees?
- can you set up base directories for local and remote for each connection?


  • Juri Boxberger

    Juri Boxberger - 2009-10-04


    Thank you very much for this great feedback. Of course i improved the documentation yet.
    Hope you like it.

    1. The "SCP" Protocoll is not supported yet. The reason is that i don't really know what it is,
    and can not test it. If you need it, let me know. (Just 2-3) lines to change.

    2. The Captions ar the default Sections in the ini file. Sorry i dont know where i got this
    from. I changed it to Sections and changed the description a bit.

    - you can add multiple Sections to the SyncScp.ini. You can name the Sections like you
    want. But i reccomend you to replace the blanks with an underscore "_" and avoid
    special characters like $,ä,ö,ü,ß and so on.


    ConnectionMode = "sftp"
    ConnectionHost = ""

    ConnectionMode = "sftp"
    ConnectionHost = ""

    3. No i didnt hear about this before. This is a simple cryption, not 64bit. It should avoid
    to leave the password unprotected and is crypted with a secret word hardcoded in the source.
    Is this not ok? O,o
    The is no parameter for cryption, if you call the exe it checks wether the password is enclosed
    with the "{#" "#}" brackets. if not it crypt ist and write it to the ini file.
    So far ok?

    4. The Settings are all documented in the ini File. Should the be copied to the README?
    You can call ScpSync with the Section as parameter (blank separated). I documended it as followed:

    Call ScpSync.exe with parameters. ScpSync will process only one ore some Sections.
    ScpSync.exe Section1
    => only the [Section1] Section will be processed.
    ScpSync.exe Section1 Section2
    => the [Section1] and [Section2] Sections will be processed.

    This directions are supported:
    # remote : local => remote
    # local : local <= remote
    # both : local <=> remote

    The Sync does the WinScp, not the ScpSync, ScpSync is only a configurable exe which do the scripting
    and password protechtion for WinScp. You can do the same by a *.bat File. But there everyone can
    see the passwords.

    WinScp do the sync as it should, searched a long time for a good app like WinScp. It checks the Files
    and update if they are newer. The Direction depends on the Parameter "SyncDirection" (remote/local/both)
    as listed above. Missing Files are enclosed too. If they not exists, they would be created.
    Yes WinScp does trees when i understand your question right. WinScp enclose the Sunfolders and
    Subfiles (you can Exclude them by using the "ExcludeFromSync" Setting (";" separated)).

    Yes, each Section contans a full Settings set. Base Dirs, connections, Email and so on.

    Hope a asked all your questions, if you hafe other questions, just let me know.
    I'am glad for each feedback.

    Could you please check the Release 1.0 and the doc for it.
    If you have any ideas to improve the doc or Source, i'am glad for each hint.

    Thank you very much.

    Juri Boxberger from Germany

  • Juri Boxberger

    Juri Boxberger - 2009-10-04
    • milestone: --> v1.0 (example)
  • Jim Michaels

    Jim Michaels - 2009-10-07

    WinSCP supports SFTP protocol with an optional SCP protocol as a backup method, and is the recommended transfer method for large (>500MB) files.
    see docs in above URL.

    My dealings with the USA Department of Commerce probably has no bearing on you since you do not live in the USA.

    If anything like Export Controls is an issue, perhaps rot13 is another choice? I don't know.
    rot13 simply scrambles the characters in an unscramble-able way.

    I will download the latest version and check out the documentation. I assume from the project description that you are familiar with WinSCP, the program that this is supposed to automate/script? it is available from

    I have never started a sourceforge project before. is it free? do you have to use CVS or SVN to upload files, or is there some other file upload mechanism like FTP that I can use?

  • Jim Michaels

    Jim Michaels - 2009-10-08

    you didn't change the readme file.
    check out the changes I made in the attached file.

  • Jim Michaels

    Jim Michaels - 2009-10-08

    new documentation for version 1.1

  • Jim Michaels

    Jim Michaels - 2009-10-09

    it is still not clear whether the program (sync direction) copies only new files, or whether it copies all files. please make this clear/obvious.

    say something in the readme.txt file (maybe tat the top) that the documentation for the .ini is in the bin\ScpSync.ini file so people don't give up and move on to something else.

    the documentation for the .ini file seems to be good, only need just a that slight improvement.


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