
#644 Initiative not calculating properly


Initiative does not appear to be calculating properly on CHARACTER SHEET I. It does not appear to pull the proper DEX modifier. I have a +1 DEX modifier, and the trait Elven Reflexes (+2 to init), and my initiative will only display as +2.

In version 7.2, this was working properly.


  • thebluecanary

    thebluecanary - 2014-09-15

    Are you sure that you don't have something else that might be effecting your initiative? I am unable to recreate this issue.

  • thebluecanary

    thebluecanary - 2014-09-15
    • status: Open --> Pending
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-09-16

    I have been having this problem as well with I'm not sure what is going on. I will try a few things and see what problems I'm getting and report back in a day or two.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-09-17

    I'm not sure what else COULD be acting on iniative....if it's not a trait or DEX, there isn't anything else. I only have the 1 trait and clearly a 13 DEX, so INIT should be +3 but it's showing as +2


    Last edit: Anonymous 2014-09-17
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-09-25

    I've also found that it doesn't stack initiative traits properly either. For example, reactionary and exile (carrion crown) should be a combined +4 to initiative; the tool only grants +2.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-10-05

    I said I would look and well forgot but by accident I was building a character and I figured it out. The sheet is saved with the noble scion feat having the drop down menu selected with scion of war. Also, I can use a head band of alluring charisma and still buff with eagle's splendor, which of course doesn't stack.

    Yay!!! :)

    • thebluecanary

      thebluecanary - 2014-10-06

      I don't see the Headband and Buff stacking. I tested with a +2 headband, and then buffed, and only got a max of +4 (Buff Spell). Anything else you might have going on?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-10-07

    Nevermind I'm a moron. I don't know why I but I was thinking the buff only gave +2. I know better! Oh well at least I got the other thing right! :)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-10-09

    Ideas? Ummm I think the problem has been I said above I'm fairly certain it is the noble scion feat saved with scion of war up in the drop down menu on the feats page. As for the initiative traits not stacking, they are both trait bonuses so they aren't suppose to stack the sheet is right. :)

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-10-09

    Umm no. I'm the OP and that's NOT the problem. The problem is I have a TRAIT Elven Reflexes (+2 to INIT) and a 13 DEX (+1 to INIT). My INIT will only show as +2. So, I'm glad your problem was solved, but the original problem has not.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-10-10

    Oh with the trait stacking deal I was answering someone else.

    However, I made a 1st level half-elven fighter with the elven reflexes trait and dex 13 and I had the same +2. I added cat's grace and still +2 which to me means it's not using dex in the calculation. Took the buff off. Then I went to the feats page and went to noble scion and took scion of war off the drop down for the blank option. Then I had +3 correct. Then I tried cat's grace again +5 correct. So that solves the problem for me.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-10-25

    Is noble scion there by default or something? I don't have that problem i just have DEX not calculating properly.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-10-26

    It shouldn't be. Clear it out, and you should be ok.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-10-31

    I double checked my sheet and I have nothing else that I can see acting on initiative. No Noble Scion, no nothing. I uploaded my character sheet in the first page. Maybe someone can find something? I can't seem to see why it's not calculating.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-11-13

    OP here. Just noticed on another one of my PC's that his DEX is 19 but INIT is a +1.

    Something seriously wrong here.

  • thebluecanary

    thebluecanary - 2014-11-13

    Clear the Feats. I'll repeat it again. Clear the feats. There are some feats, and test data that got let in by error. If you clear it out, everything will be ok. Check every sheet, and make sure everything is default.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2014-11-17

      I didn't actually see where you said that anywhere in this ticket before so sorry for beating a dead horse but that did work thanks.

  • thebluecanary

    thebluecanary - 2014-11-13
    • status: Pending --> Fixed


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