
SchemaSpy 4.1.0 released

SchemaSpy analyzes schema metadata, letting you click through the hierarchy of your tables' parent/child relationships either via entity-relationship diagrams or through HTML tables. It works with just about any RDBMS given an appropriate JDBC driver. SchemaSpy also identifies several common schema anomalies.

SchemaSpy is available at and currently supports Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, MySQL, Firebird, PostgreSQL, HSQLDB, Informix, Sybase, MaxDB, Firebird and Derby (JavaDB).

You can browse a sample of its output at

Highlights of Release 4.1.0:

- Can now fully evaluate Ruby on Rails databases that associate foreign keys to primary tables/keys with a translation of singular to plural form.

- Resolved a bug where SchemaSpy was using incorrect entity relationship diagram notation.

- Added a new import directive to database configuration files to be able to reuse complex SQL (or other settings) from configurations not in the normal inheritance tree.

- Added support for MS SQL Server 2005 with jTDS driver, including column comment retrieval for all of the MS SQL databases.

- Can now specify database connection properties on the command line.

- New sso option to support single sign-on databases.

Posted by John Currier 2008-10-17

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