
#8 Document cross-schema FK with -all option

Next Release

The application currently does not report on cross-
schema foreign keys when using the -all option.

Add the capbility to properly report cross-schema
foreign keys when using the -all switch.


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  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-03-06
    • assigned_to: nobody --> johncurrier
  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-05-08
    • status: open --> pending
  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-05-08
    • status: pending --> closed
  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-05-08

    Logged In: YES

    It's in release 3.0.0.

  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-05-08
    • status: closed --> open
  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-05-08

    Logged In: YES

    Oops, closed this one accidently during the bulk close stuff
    and am re-opening it.

    I didn't put the cross-schema stuff into release 3.0.0 due
    to the possibility of breaking so many other areas. I'm
    still thinking about how to do it cleanly.


  • Codegrave

    Codegrave - 2006-10-25

    Logged In: YES

    I'd love the proper evaluation of cross-schema FK as well. I
    have a 200+ tables system which is split into several
    modules. Generating the docu for individual modules requires
    the cross-schema referencing.

  • Michael Krelin

    Michael Krelin - 2006-11-24

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    It isn't in the latest release and isn't in subversion either yet?

    Nice tool (thanks), but wants this feature badly ;-)

    Just to let you know there are more people who want it.

  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-11-24

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    It's definitely on the list for the next release. And I'll need beta testers ;)

  • Michael Krelin

    Michael Krelin - 2006-11-24

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    Count me in! Just put into svn or provide a patch against any svn revision, just name it. Well, patch against the source tarball would do if you want to. I'm more than willing to try it out (with postgres).

  • Michael Krelin

    Michael Krelin - 2006-11-27

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    I'm sorry I mistakenly stated that it isn't in svn, it seems to be in, but it doesn't work, yet, because it doesn't pass -host and -db to executed process in MultipleSchemaAnalyzer.analyze. Moreover, it choked on cmd.toArray(new String[]{}) trying to deal with Pattern list members:

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayStoreException
    at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method)
    at java.util.ArrayList.toArray(
    at net.sourceforge.schemaspy.MultipleSchemaAnalyzer.analyze(
    at net.sourceforge.schemaspy.SchemaAnalyzer.analyze(
    at net.sourceforge.schemaspy.Main.main(

    When I fixed the problem I bumped into not passing db-specific options and I haven't digged deeper since it looks like you're in the middle of some major changes related to it.

    Just to let you know.

  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-11-27

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    Yes, I'm in the middle of a significant refactoring trying to get everything out of main and moving the configuration stuff somewhere appropriate so tools like Maven2 will work.

    Note that I haven't started to tackle the fully-implemented -all option yet.

    You've definitely found a bug in what I've done though. I wish that I could switch to Java 1.5 to avoid these types of collection mis-matches. I still haven't worked out -all and the refactoring that I'm doing...

  • Michael Krelin

    Michael Krelin - 2006-11-27

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    John, I'm not sure if it's a proper place for this discussion, let me know where to move to, if it's not: email, forum are okay with me.

    I know you're doing this refactoring - I've read svn commit messages :)

    It's strange that you claim you didn't switch to 1.5, because, basically, I switched because 1.4 failed to compile at Integer.valueOf() function. Note that I am not a Java expert (moreover, I have nearly no clue about java, but knowing heck of a lot of other languages helps), so I don't know whether it should've failed or not. But it did, so I switched to 1.5. I can switch back and forth with no problem, though, so if I can be of help - let me know.

  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-11-27

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    Ah, nice catch. My Eclipse is running 1.5 but the project is configured for 1.4 only. It looks like I'll have to be extremely careful.


  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-11-27

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    Michael, when you run with -all do you get "Couldn't add FK" error messages? Just trying to figure out where this fits in.


  • Michael Krelin

    Michael Krelin - 2006-11-27

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    In the last svn revision where it did pass -host -db down to spawned processed it did spit out the message ( I think it was r275, but not 100% sure). As for the latest trunk (r279 at the moment):

    Analyzing X
    *** Parameter 'db' (database name (from TNSNAMES.ORA)) missing. It is required for this database type. ***
    SchemaSpy generates an HTML representation of a database schema's relationships.

    Built-in database types and their required connection parameters:
    -db database name

    And after the '-db' line above it just sits there until I hit ^C. I'm using vi/command line, so I didn't bother trace insides and see where and why it sits, but it should pass the db specific option, anyway.

    The command line was
    java -jar dist/schemaSpy.jar -cp /usr/share/jdbc3-postgresql-1/lib/pg73jdbc3.jar -t pgsql -host localhost -db X -all -u X -p X -o X

    (not exactly X, but who cares)

  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-11-27

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    I haven't figured out why -db (or -t evidently) isn't being passed through yet. It looks like your shell might be doing something with quoted params, so I've slightly changed that logic. Try rev 280. It *might* work better, but it prints out the arguments that create the child java process. We should be able to figure out what's going wrong from those.


  • Michael Krelin

    Michael Krelin - 2006-11-28

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    This time you're overdoing a bit. exec doesn't use shell, it uses exec. That's one part of a problem. The other is that it turns out that 1.4 (to which I occasionally switched) doesn't handle .toString() on patterns the way 1.5 does. To save on describing the problem I'm pasting the diff below.

    And now to the issue - It does "Couldn't add FK ..." thing and again I didn't look into it (maybe "yet", but most likely I won't anytime soon, where "soon" is in a week or so).

    Index: src/net/sourceforge/schemaspy/

    --- src/net/sourceforge/schemaspy/ (revision 280)
    +++ src/net/sourceforge/schemaspy/ (working copy)
    @@ -35,11 +35,7 @@

    for (Iterator iter = args.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
    - String next =;
    - if (next.startsWith("-"))
    - genericCommand.add(next);
    - else
    - genericCommand.add("\"" + next + "\"");
    + genericCommand.add(;

    System.out.println("Analyzing schemas that match regular expression '" + schemaSpec + "':");
    Index: src/net/sourceforge/schemaspy/
    --- src/net/sourceforge/schemaspy/ (revision 280)
    +++ src/net/sourceforge/schemaspy/ (working copy)
    @@ -767,9 +767,9 @@
    - list.add(getInclusions().toString());
    + list.add(getInclusions().pattern());
    - list.add(getExclusions().toString());
    + list.add(getExclusions().pattern());

  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-11-28

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    Ah, I thought that I was running with 1.4, but I screwed up my paths and was still running 1.5.

    I'm confused, however, about your MultipleSchemaAnalyzer changes. If I don't surround the params with quotes then the regular expressions with wildcards get expanded to the filenames in the current directory that they match. I take it that it didn't work the way it was or you wouldn't have changed it....

    Thanks for helping to test this stuff out. These things that we're working through are all remnants of the refactoring to make SchemaSpy work with Maven2 and tools like it. I have some ideas on how to tackle *this* feature request, but I wanted to get the bugs worked out of the refactoring first. Note that it's been much more difficult than I had initially thought, mostly a result of the dynamic nature of the configuration stuff. That is, I don't know at design/coding time what parameters are going to be required...a big chunk of it is dynamically configured based on property files.

    Thanks again,

  • Michael Krelin

    Michael Krelin - 2006-11-28

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    No problem, I can check with both VMs once in a while ;-)

    No, regular expressions will not be expanded because exec executes exactly what you pass to it, it does not execute shell (which does the expansion) and then java. So what you get when you quoting parameters is effectively what you would get if you escape quotes (as in \"param\") in command line.

    To be true, I doubt if re-executing SchemaSpy is a proper approach here... And yes, I understand where these troubles come from and that it doesn't have to do much with this feature request directly, I'm just trying to be helpful and originally I happened to be interested in this feature ;-)

    And you're welcome, let me know if I can be of more help.

  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-11-28

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    I'm not saying that it might expand but rather that it does expand, at least on WinXP. That's why I had to quote the parameters. Hopefully what's in svn now will work for any OS.

    I might eventually have to use an alternate method of getting the params to the secondary SchemaSpy. The idea of not re-executing SchemaSpy would be extremely painful with significant risks.


  • Michael Krelin

    Michael Krelin - 2006-11-28

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    Okay, now I remember. What is done by shell in unix is processed by runtime library in executable in DOS (and windows for that matter).

    Well, you know your code better, I only speak from my experience and my perception of common sense.

    The svn code seems to work now.

  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-11-28

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    Glad that part of it works now. Now I've got to brush up on J2EE for my resume as the government will most likely drop funding for the project that I'm working on. Hopefully I'll have some time to work on the cross-schema stuff.


  • John Currier

    John Currier - 2006-12-07

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    Michael, can you give rev 299 a try? Note that I don't have anything to test this on...

    The "other schema" tables should show up in the various graphs now. One side effect is that -all will take a little longer to execute as I now have to get every table's "exported keys" in addition to "imported keys". If I didn't then you wouldn't know about "other schema" tables that reference PK's in this schema.

    Let me know how it works (or more likely where it blows up ;)

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