

Sylvain Leroy Sebastien Carreau
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Scertify™ Refactoring Assessment is an open source component dedicated to development & QA teams that provides exclusive benchmark data on Software Quality. It automatically detects the portions of an application that can be refactored, gives valuable information on refactoring strategies, and costs.

Though IT departments have matured these last 10 years and have now no doubt on the benefits of a continuous control of code quality, three major concerns were still remaining, without any tools able to effectively addressing these needs:

  • How to understand quality indicators, and how to compare them with the state of the art?
  • How to measure and manage the gap between the absolute quality level of a software, and a reasonable (reachable) target of quality?
  • What are the shortest and safe ways to achieve your quality goals?

Scertify™ Refactoring Assessment is a free & open source tool (read the LGPL license) designed to provide development teams with clear insights on these concerns, enabling them to:

  • Improve the settings/quality profiles of their Software Quality Measurement tools (ie: Sonar, PMD, Checkstyle…)
  • Smartly manage their daily tasks of the code quality remediation
  • Benchmark the quality of their code and compare it with similar projects
  • Assess the opportunity (and the associated cost/saving) of an application code refactoring

For more details : Description of the functionalities

Project thought and developped by Tocea. Tocea Company


  • Sonar version above or equal 2.6 check website
  • JDK > 1.5
  • 200m hard disk


This plugin is absolutely free of charge and follows the LGPL license.
However to obtain the detailled statistics, some informations are required from the user :

Are transmitted :

  • a valid email
  • name of the audited projects (may be encrypted in the settings panel)
  • results of the audits (violations, metrics)

**No code is transmitted. We absolutely respect privacy and intellectual property of the code we are auditing. Tocea and their sofwares never transmit any piece of code. **


Installation page


Usage page

Architecture and technical details

Contributing to Techdebt

More informations


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