
Scepsis Intranet Chat server / News: Recent posts

0.92d: Less Refreshes Higher Performance

New fine message handler has been introduced in 0.92d release. It's main aim is to impose a restriction on an amount of refresh-requests sent from a client in short amount of time. This prevent some kind of refresh overhead and drastically improves server performance under certain circumstances.

Posted by Kanstantsin Baturytski 2006-11-26

NAT handlers corrected

NAT handlers that were introduced in v0.92 have been corrected and now works as intended.

Posted by Kanstantsin Baturytski 2006-11-24

Extra large messages issue fixed

Messages handling has been corrected to handle extra -large messages appropriately.

Posted by Kanstantsin Baturytski 2006-10-31

Version 0.92a is released

New versions of Scepsis and Scepsis ext have been released. Major change is NAT connections support. Some improvements were made in extended Scepsis (new specifications and actions examples, more message types are filtered now). JohnDo message factory is now included in basic bundle.

Posted by Kanstantsin Baturytski 2006-10-26

Non-english path launch issue fixed

Due to a bug (?) in the Nuts framework application failed to launch when it's path contained some non-english characters. Fixed by changing the source to manually created file input stream. New relases (0.90c) are available.

Posted by Kanstantsin Baturytski 2006-06-20