
SBLIM JSR48 CIM Client 2.2.3

Today the SBLIM project has released the JSR48 CIM Client for Java version 2.2.3. It contains several new features:

  • A new Java property - sblim.wbem.listenerMaxQueuedEvents - can be used to set the maximum number of queued events awaiting dispatch to a listener. (#2628)
  • Two new Java properties - sblim.wbem.listenerHttpHeaderTimeout and sblim.wbem.listenerHttpMaxAllowedTimeouts - can be used to help prevent Denial of Service attacks on an indication listener via the slowloris approach (#2635)
  • Two new private APIs - WBEMListenerSBLIM.getBlockedIPs and setBlockedIPs can be used to control the IPs of incoming connections that are to be ignored by an indication listener (#2635)
  • Two new Java properties - sblim.wbem.sslClientCipherSuitesToDisable and sblim.wbem.sslListenerCipherSuitesToDisable - can be used to disable a list of cipher suites when connecting via an SSL socket as either a client or listener. (#2642)

Version 2.2.3 also contains several changes that might affect existing applications:

  • The internal ChunkedInputStream constructors now require a second parameter, a String representing the names of the trailer fields (from HTTP Trailer header). (#2621)
  • The internal MessageReader constructor now requires a second parameter, a long representing the HTTP header timeout (#2635)
  • The internal HttpConnectionHandler constructor now requires a second parameter, a WBEMConfiguration representing the configuration properties (#2635)
  • The Java property sblim.wbem.sslCipherSuitesToDisable has been deleted, use sblim.wbem.sslClientCipherSuitesToDisable and/or sblim.wbem.sslListenerCipherSuitesToDisable instead (#2642)

The complete list of changes follows:

2643 Update detailed release history HTML for 2.2.3
2642 Seperate properties needed for cim client and listener to filter out ciphers
2635 Slowloris DoS attack for CIM indication listener port
2640 Multiple CDATA parsing broken in DOM parser
2639 CDATA parsing broken in PULL parser
2638 Do not build empty REFERENCECLASS
2637 Add nested embedded instance builder test
2636 Nested embedded instances cause CIMXMLParseException
2632 Potential Null Point Exception in CIMDataType
2605 SAX parser throws wrong exception
2628 Limit size of LinkedList of CIMEvents to be dispatched

Posted by Dave Blaschke 2013-05-31

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